Contenders Going On RIGHT NOW!

I have never heard of this browser… :stuck_out_tongue:

On a side note, but from what I can tell revoking the permissions and resigning in seems to work for Chrome Users.

Surprisingly it works for me on Chrome

Still, lowkey weird and unacceptable that it doesn’t work via Chrome for others

I’ve had the stream up since 2 AM EST… lmao. My stream just cut to a NA Vod though, and went back and Korea is still LIVE. Why did it do that?

Looks like maybe a replay of the 2 AM start is on now? Do they consider that LIVE too and does that count for more time I can get?

Hmmm…just woke up…I don’t see anything on schedule yet page says live (currently a timer)…is there actually matches still going?

Korean “QUARTERFINALS & SEMIFINALS” is supposed to be on right now and end in an hour and 28 minutes but there is nothing for me either, I was able to watch it for five hours or so.

Seriously I need a masters degree just to understand the schedule :sweat_smile:

Haha same here
Wish the schedule tab could display local time

So I watched the korean matches today and thought it would be over when the casters said goodybe. A few minutes later I checked back on the page and the stream was still going, showing that a match would start in 2 minutes. I had to sign in again though and after I did that the stream disappeared. It’s simply gone now. According to there’s matches going on right now but the homepage doesn’t show them…

ok so when i opened the page on my ipad this morning (before i looked at schedule) there was a “LIVE” feed up…so i put that on…

i look on schedule and i dont see anything for right NOW

i turn on PC…log into page and theres no live feed anywhere…

wth am i watching on ipad?

Bro, same! I tried other browsers and it’s failed every time!

These are Chinese matches. They do not show them on the Contenders page.
Here’s a link to the Chinese stream but you will not get the skins from it

Because they are shown on billibilli, I assume. Gotcha. I suppose I have to wait days now in order to find out if the drops work for me.

It’s just weird that the stream was still going on and even showing that a match would start.

can anyone else verify if there is a live stream going on right now?

i dont see any on pc…but on my tablet there is (and honestly confused what im watching cause theres nothing on schedule at this time)

There is no live matches going on right now.

And I believe what you are watching on your tablet is the replay of the live stream that just happened.

It seems the live stream ran from 2:00 AM EST to about 8:15 AM EST. Thankfully I had it up the whole time while sleeping then getting up for work.

No one should have the Symmetra skin yet as it was just under 7 total hours for the first eligible stream.

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Well, in 20 minutes I’ll find out if this website works or not

Hang on, I thought when I looked at the schedule it said the next match was like on October 28th or something…

Is there some ap I can get or something that gives me an accurate schedule, or that will alert me when this is happening?

Also, I went to the website and can’t find anything, so I guess it’s over now? This is really annoying. I wish they’d direct link it and let us watch on the launcher when it’s going on instead. >.<

Blizz has been really bad about these promotions. They’re not easy to find at all.

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Try going incognito on your phone, or whatever your internet’s secret mode is called. It seems to help sometimes.


Mine did that, too. It’s probably some troll move by them to catch those of us that don’t actually watch this garbage and make us miss out.

Nice try, though, but I checked and put it back on! No idea how long ago it switched though… I better have a decent amount of time watched counted before it switched itself.

What wonderful issue will they think of next? Seems that ever since the Twitch deintegration this thing has been a mess.