Constructive Feedback OW2

After playing many hours now of OW2 I have a feel for the game and have some pointers for the devs.

First and foremost, remove screen shake from abilities both on the giving and receiving end. Screen shake should remain as a gimmicky immersion tactic in cut-scenes, adventure games, and no where near a competitive FPS, or even a FPS in general. It has been causing me motion sickness to a degree and is a form of non direct CC.

Second, increase the TTK. A lot of the reworks and changes in OW2 have decreased the TTK. I understand that from studies done hundreds of times this is a design implemented to increase player retention especially at lower skill ratings to make the player feel “impactful”. I will say most studies came back as inconclusive. And if you are following 'data i would point you in the direction of the demise of hyperscape(a modern and recent example). They followed Data and you will understand why this is a horrible idea. It will only cause division and do nothing to change the how impactful an individual is but it will swing the meta into a very small set of characters and strategies.

If you are going to continue to implement Role Queue think about expediting new support heroes. Currently playing support on OW2 is pretty stale. The strategies have changed generally back to dive, but anybody who has played since the beginning of OW has already been a part of that meta and now we have nothing new. We are stuck in a role queue and are stuck playing the same game over and over and over again with very minimal choice.

All that being said. Please don’t give up, OW2 is def in the right direction. This is a BETA so yes things can change and I’m hoping we as a community can support you and help you create a legacy of a game. OW2 is fun and as long as improvements keep happening in the right direction you have my support! Anyone who has anything additional or constructive i would love for you to add to this topic!