Constant Drop from Junkenstein’s Revenge

Last year I had the exact same problem. Only in the game mode Junkenstein’s Revenge, around the 4 minute mark, the game will show the packet loss / disconnect icons (the three squares, lightning bolt with round arrow, and red triangle with ! and lightning bolt), jump to the main menu for several seconds, then put us back in the game. It happens both on wired and wireless on both of our Xbox Ones (mine is old, hers is new). It doesn’t happen in any other game mode, just Junkenstein. We’ve tried resetting our router and modem, reinstalling Overwatch, playing on wired vs wireless, playing in groups vs alone, turning off all other Internet using devices vs having something streaming to see if it’s disrupted too (it’s not), but every time it’s the same thing. Help?

I’ve had the exact same problem. Around the time the second boss comes in (I have not watched the time, but I feel like 4-5 minutes is about right) I get kicked into the main menu for 20 seconds or so and then get put back into the game.

It has happened the last two Halloweens at least, also only when playing Junkenstein’s Revenge. I play regularly otherwise with no changes to any options with no issue. For me its on PC though.

I’m both happy and sad to hear that someone else is having the same problem too. I hope Blizzard comes through with a fix for us!

I am having this issue in competitive play also

Possibly this? PVE Event Disconnection issues on Netgear Routers

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Holy shoot, this was it, thank you SO much!!!

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I followed the instructions on the link, updated my network driver, and messed with the QoS settings. No change. It actually seems as though the DC occurs earlier than normal.