Conspiracy theory time

Mercy’s appearance in the cinematic is actually telling us she will be reworked again, with the ability to freely fly and do that weird/cool solar flare that blinds enemies.


They will never change Mercy I just wanted to post something not about how much I hate the event.

From the recent dev stream,

Your theory is as poorly informed as real conspiracy theories. Nice job

1: I’m not being serious

2: glad I don’t know you in game you seem like the person to scream over mic in quick play because the Moira won’t pocket you

3: assuming I actually care about a Mercy rework, the dev team is incredibly incompetent and it’s showing more and more as time goes on. They should continue reworking heroes and making awful balance changes just to avoid a rework is horrible development.

You triggered?

You sound triggered.

I bet youre triggered.

That implies someone did something to annoy me. Last time I cared about something said on OW forums was the old (better) forums.

That would be a pretty op ult if you cast Blind and turn your opponents screen white for five seconds. Probably give kids seizures and rage issues too

that’s what they want you to think.

insert 10x10pixel image as proof here

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It does kinda sound fun to airlift someone to safety in Valkyrie mode tho

Who joins team chat in QP?

i’m hoping overwatch adds a hero with the WoW leap of faith mechanic

basically, a hog hook but to take teammates to safety. there mgiht be some griefing potential but hey there’s already mei

Please god no. Last thing I need is to line up a shot and be pulled away. That is way worse than being walled off. I’d quit if that mechanic was ever introduced.

I feel like they put those scenes there as a sort of subliminal message. Once the forum users suggest these changes, Bliz will implement them so they can say they listen to the userbase.