{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

Probably report them for Trolling? What I do is I quote the original post before I flag a post. This way then there’s no way out for that poster.

I think they already got their posting privileges taken away from them considering that they keep on editing the same post to respond to me.

…and I already reported them.

They just won’t STOP.

It’s really driving me up the wall right now.

Maybe we need to accept that Papa Jeff is a card carrying member of the PC Master Race?

But I’m curious, and I’ve mentioned this before, but what exactly is the verdict with linear ramp? Some say it’s broken, some say it isn’t. Maybe if we address these issue one by one they’ll get some attention. I say we start by investigating this one, because if we can prove it’s broken, that’ll be tough to ignore.

I don’t use Linear Ramp, so I can’t exactly answer it. I go under the belief it’s broken, although I could certainly be wrong. Especially since that took a Console Player Uprising just to get a response, despite the overwhelming amount of evidence telling otherwise that it was completely broken.

Here I am though, trying to cease hope no matter how dim. How I somehow haven’t lost my patience yet is beyond me.

For those wondering how I’ve been posting links to other posts within the text of my posts by the way, you can thank my knowledge of HTML ;o

You can do it like this:
<a href="Link goes here">Text goes here</a>

As an example:
here I am trying to get Jeff’s attention to this thread…

I can’t say for sure though if it requires Trust Level 3. I’ve only now started doing it, even though I’ve known how to do it for a while.

I went to the closed discussion and read the moderator edit in the OP, and there’s a link to the forum guidelines, and literally the first part of the second Paragraph is this:

Our Community forums are a place for users to express their constructive feedback and ideas with fellow posters and the Overwatch developers.

It won’t let me quote directly, and for anyone interested in viewing the post here’s a link, just keep in mind I don’t think I’m level 3:

h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/welcome-to-general-discussion-please-read/118

I just find it funny how the general discussion is supposed to be somewhere we can share our feedback with the developers, yet any post that directly mentions Blizzard or the devs in the title, best case scenario, the mods just edit the title, and worst case they close it, kinda contradicting to the point of general discussion if you ask me

I’ll help you out with that, I am Trust Level 3.

To quote that paragraph in full:

Well I’d love clarification from someone.

Thank you for posting the link, I did read the guidelines more and it did say to not put “Blizzard/Devs/Blue/or A Specific Dev” in the title, but that’s still contradicting the point stated in the paragraph that the general discussion can be used to share ideas with the devs:

Don’t use words like “Blizzard,” “Blue,” or any employee names in a thread topic.
Everyone would like Blizzard to read and acknowledge his or her post, and we understand that. However, these kinds of posts won’t help you achieve your goal. Please make your thread title relevant to the post subject. Threads violating this guideline are subject to removal, along with forum account suspension.

Hello! Linear ramp user here!!
Alright! So is LR broken?! No, I wouldn’t go as far as say broken. For me personally, and please take into account that this is mostly about personal preference, LR is the best of the 3 aiming systems. It is the one I’m bet able to build muscle memory around.

However, it does have issues. The main issue, which is why we caused the uprising a year+ ago, is that there is, for one, an issue with the deadzone. Tell me if I should explain what that is. If we could modify the size of the deadzone, a lot of people thought linear could be fixed.

Yet blizz decided to ignore that advice and add the complicated aim ease in option to lower the acceleration curve of LR and make it closer to expo ramp instead of actually fixing LR.

SO: Most people using LR nowadays are using a model which is a little bit closer to Expo ramp by adding an aim ease in value.

What Linear, and actually every aim setting needs to get fixed and have a solid aiming system is allow us all to choose the soze of our deadzone which can vary from one controller to another dependong on model and age, as well as allow us to customise our turn acceleration.

Linear is good. Problem is that in order to have a good and precise linear ramp, you have to heavily sacrifice your turning speed which is honestly unplayable. At least again, for me personally it is unplayable.

So is it broken? Objectively speaking, it is not working as it should be, or at least, not as it was advertised. They put a “band aid solution” on the system with aim ease in instead of actually fixing the problem.


You are fighting so hard Eternity for better console stay and still ignored.

I wish this thread the best luck, consoles needs to be looked at badly


I’m a Linear Ramp user as well. When I put aim something to zero, it really seemed to clean up my issues. But then I heard about the bugs. So I did some research a while back and saw that there were bugs, but they had been fixed. Then I saw others claim that the real issue was the immediate acceleration. But if you look at a graph of the aim techniques, this seems to make sense. So I’ve always been a bit confused. Are these the deadzones you speak of?

I came to the same conclusion as you regarding aim ease in and turn speed, so I’ve abandoned ease in and worked on increasing my sensitivity. It forced me to change the way I held the controller and joysticks and has actually made me a much better aimer. I just would like to know if theres something else holding me back.

I’m curious to know how you hold your controller to make it work tbh.

So deadzones are the ‘wiggle’ room of your joystick during which nothing happens. Some controllers have adjustable deadzones, other deadzones can be customised in games.

Basically the deadzone is the initial space very close to the resting position of your joystick. Inside this deadzone, moving your joystick eon’t ve translated in game.

Let’s admit you have a garbage controller with a 50% deadzone. This means that until your joystick reaches half of the max distance it can go towards the outer edge, no movement will be registered inside the game.

With linear ramp, it still seems as if the initial acceleration is due to the fact it doesn’t take account for the deadzone.
Basically, if linear would work correctly and accelerate correctly, you wouldn’t get such a jump start.

Aim ease in does adjust that by decelerating the general acceleration of the joystick and that is why I call it a band aid solution.

Now I’m not sure whether adding deadzones would 100% fix the issue but it seems to be the most probable cause and fix to the problem.

Right now there is just so much useless crap in terma of aim customs that could be simplified so much and improved but damn. They just won’t listen to us. I don’t get it… thry are part of activision who know hoe to put a console aim together… ehy can’t they just get on it together?

With the huge profits OW is making, they could just have a small team of like 5-10people fron activision come over and work on console specific issues.

But that seems like it’ too expensive to even consider apparently. Yet I’m sure they make tons of money in terms of lootbox revenue from console.

Apparently we’re just there to fill the pockets. Services coming along with it are not part of the deal it seems.

I really wish people would just stop idealising blizz for these nice devs that care about their players more than they do about money.

I’m just really disappointes in Jeff ‘Tigole’ Kapplan who went from a passionate player to an agregious dev… money and investors(aka more money) is all these guys care for. Money really does change people…

But where would the dead zones be on a first party controller?

I’m not sure and this is not exact science but rather an estimation on my part. It’s definitely not 0 percent because when I put 0% in games where you can modify it, even though I have a ‘new’ controller, it starts moving on its own. So I would say that by itself, a first party sony controller must be around 5-10% maybe?

EDIT:… this just made me think… as blizzard doesn’t seem to want to listen to us, and keep ignoring us, and they probably will not be the last to do so… what if Sony were actually the one adding a new cobtroller custom option?

A new menu in the system setting where not only you could remap your buttons of your controller but modify and customise EVERYTHING! deadzones, sensitivity of your joysticks etc. And basically what happens is that you have a loadout archetype that you fix to your profile (with possibility to have multiple loadouts maybe). And then instead of us having to hope for game devs to listen to us, we could just make some kind of transmission of these settings to our games. That way you wouls also have the EXACT SAME settings across all your gamea. Basically the only rhings in terms of aim settings that devs would jave to take care of is things like FOV sliders, because that’s in game related as well as aim assist mechanics?

Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Ah a man can dream…

When I get home I’m going to really look into those deadzones. In the mean time, I can explain how I hold the controller.

I used to be a pretty lazy aimer. I was always able to find success using map knowledge and quick reflexes. Once I started actually working on my aim, my hands would be exhausted after a few minutes, and I’m a guitar player! I noticed that my body started to adapt in an attempt to spread the stress around a bit, so I took note of how.

I tilt my body so that my center of gravity favors my right hand, because most left stick movements require hard pushes. So your feet, your butt, your shoulders, your hands, etc. I also wound up moving my right thumb much lower on the joystick and choking up a bit on it. I also have my trigger finger rested on the trigger at all times now, reducing the room for error. It all basically results in me using more of my body to aim than just my hands and wrists.

I’m sure many people do things like this, and what works for some won’t work for all, but for purposes of discussion, here is what worked for me. I spent hours practicing different heros in different scenarios to figure all of this out. I started with tracking characters and moved to flicking with the goal of being pixel perfect with every shot I took, no matter what.

I’ve lost a ton of respect for Blizzard since I made that post in August, I can’t understand why they would treat us like this, it’s just stupid, they don’t have a reason to ignore us, it doesn’t help anyone. Why haven’t they said anything yet?


Eternity, you can add that PS4 eu in top 100 is full of cheaters in last few seasons, dozens of evidence can be find on yt, many players are paying for SR and queing with ddoser, there needs to be a LOT of actions taken.

Thanks that you are still fighting for console, its terrible how ignored we can be.

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this game just sometimes makes me tear my hair out! Even pc players know and understand that playing on console can be a full on nightmare.

our reporting system only works halfway, but if you’re wrongly reported you can be stuck in the middle with the console saying they’re not responsible and blizz saying they’re not responsible.

our bindings are sad. they really are. only being able to say come to me for healing by having a command bound to another pad? Not really intuitive.

Characters that are problematic on console? Weren’t we supposed to get console-specific nerfs? What about the ones that are weaker on console?

cheaters and hackers? proliferating especially through the highest ranks. what’s the verdict again on m+kb? if you’re gonna use it, why arent you on PC? They kind of make those console specific nerfs silly, and those console specific buffs dangerous (might be why there’s so few work in that area). blizz really hasn’t done enough to work to actually stop these players, and when you complain about it it feels like you’re shouting into the void.

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And then there’s a toxicity in voice chat, especially at lower ranks, I’m in gold on this account and over the weekend I had a game where we D. Va was taken and we already had 2 healers and another tank, and I politely asked if I could play D. Va because I wasn’t comfortable playing DPS, and one of my teammates responded to me by saying that because I’m a high level(close to silver border) I should be able to play more that a few characters, which I am, but I’m not comfortable playing most of the DPS characters and would rather play Tank, I did eventually end up going attack Bastion on Eichenwalde that game and we did win because our other tank was Orisa. And I understand what the teammate was trying to accomplish, which was to have a well balanced team but I didn’t like the toxic manner in which he responded to me saying I wasn’t comfortable playing DPS and asking if I could have D. Va, and I’ll admit, I can play Bastion fairly well, but towards the end of the castle I had to switch because of a Junkrat that kept destroying me

Another week in now…
…aaaand, still no transparency. Because who among them wants to give their Console Players a response? Clearly that answer is nobody, even though 15 minutes is not a lot to ask for…
