Console future improvements

Hi, I would like to say the introduction of the new aim assist mechanics are amazing and a great step in the right direction.
I love the game and have played thousands of hours, but some features of it really just suck.

One was aim assist which has definately been improved. The next is overall latency: network and input lag which is very high on console making the game feel a little crappy. Finally the most annoying issue is that in a game with tanks like winston, heroes like tracer and, especially, genji- turning is a huge aspect of the game adding the aim smoothing option was like a plaster to the problem as you could use zero to have a faster feel, but it drastically reduces your aiming ability

My suggestion would be- please as a huge supporter of this game wanting it to be as succesfull as possible- could we increase the max horizontal and vertical to 150 or something?- so we can still use dual zone with full smoothing, high aim assist, and window but be able to turn. The game feels so sluggish and generally awful on a lot of heroes.

I was a genji main but is simply not viable on console as you can either have 0 smoothing 100 100 expo and be able to turn ok-ish, but not aim at all or have a lower sense and aim, but not turn is so irritating. In my opinion, it’s one of the major reasons stupid charachters like pharah just run the meta as she’s hard to aim at; when directly above the aim mechanic feels like a cone or something making it incredibly difficult to aim directly above on console. Also, it’s hard to react to the charachter that can 2 shot you with splash when you can hardly turn around in time.

By the way I have played every single season and have hit GM for the past 5 seasons so I have a large amout of experience with high level games and thousands of hours dealing with the isssues that make this game very irritating to play. Even in C.O.D., a game that probably requires fast turns less than overwatch, they have a much wider range of choice in sensitivities and i would love to use 150 150 sense- 100aa 100aaw 95smoothing 0aim ease dual zone- with genji, winston,, Hammond, Lucio, Briggette, Reinhardt, Mercy and probably a few other turn reliant charachters.

I would use around 125 125 for tracer as its hard to 180 after blinking through someone. but I’d still like good tracking.

Anyhow, I’m rambling i just want to know if there will be any changes in the future games like C.O.D. and Battlefield; they just feel so much nicer to turn and aim in- it’s not just aiming at long range targets, it’s easier to hip fire as well.


Edits done by deadlyaztecs
Sorry for origional copied block text

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Wall text, unreadable. Use paragraphs please.


A more reader friendly version of the O.P.:

Hi, I would like to say the introduction of the new aim assist mechanics are amazing and a great step in the right direction.

I love the game and have played thousands of hours, but some features of it really just suck.

One was aim assist which has definately been improved. The next is overall latency: network and input lag which is very high on console making the game feel a little crappy. Finally the most annoying issue is that in a game with tanks like winston, heroes like tracer and, especially, genji- turning is a huge aspect of the game adding the aim smoothing option was like a plaster to the problem as you could use zero to have a faster feel, but it drastically reduces your aiming ability

My suggestion would be- please as a huge supporter of this game wanting it to be as succesfull as possible- could we increase the max horizontal and vertical to 150 or something?- so we can still use dual zone with full smoothing, high aim assist, and window but be able to turn. The game feels so sluggish and generally awful on a lot of heroes.

I was a genji main but is simply not viable on console as you can either have 0 smoothing 100 100 expo and be able to turn ok-ish, but not aim at all or have a lower sense and aim, but not turn is so irritating. In my opinion, it’s one of the major reasons stupid charachters like pharah just run the meta as she’s hard to aim at; when directly above the aim mechanic feels like a cone or something making it incredibly difficult to aim directly above on console. Also, it’s hard to react to the charachter that can 2 shot you with splash when you can hardly turn around in time.

By the way I have played every single season and have hit GM for the past 5 seasons so I have a large amout of experience with high level games and thousands of hours dealing with the isssues that make this game very irritating to play. Even in C.O.D., a game that probably requires fast turns less than overwatch, they have a much wider range of choice in sensitivities and i would love to use 150 150 sense- 100aa 100aaw 95smoothing 0aim ease dual zone- with genji, winston,, Hammond, Lucio, Briggette, Reinhardt, Mercy and probably a few other turn reliant charachters.

I would use around 125 125 for tracer as its hard to 180 after blinking through someone. but I’d still like good tracking.

Anyhow, I’m rambling i just want to know if there will be any changes in the future games like C.O.D. and Battlefield; they just feel so much nicer to turn and aim in- it’s not just aiming at long range targets, it’s easier to hip fire as well.


OP, please punctuate next time.

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100% upvote

20 chars

Sorry about the format i copied and pasted it from a support ticket

We also need deadzone adjustments.

Very true i forgot to add deadzone adjustments. Games like battlefield have had them for ages and thats a very aim intensive game. Rhere is also the fact that the linear deadzone feels very weird.

That’s not the dead zone, it’s the fact that linear is a straight line so short movements are hasty.
You can fix this with Aim Ease In as it makes it more exponential rather than straight.

I believe 50 Aim Ease In converts linear ramp into exponential ramp. The only difference between the two is the factor of Aim Ease In.

Less than 50 aim ease in makes linear ramp straighter, while having it larger than 50 makes the graph dip more which means it will take more joystick movement to hit max acceleration.

Yes i am fully aware of this but the overall aim mechanics are subpar on the game in general. I also do not like the fact that id have to make my movement non linear just to make up for the sudden start on linear ramp.

Whatever way you put it linear was not implimented well. My majour issue would still be the slowness of gameplay and the necessary reduction of precission just to be able to turn to an okay degree on charachters that really need it

I even hate 0 smoothing 100 100 on winston as it feels horrible and even with that at times i feel super sluggish.