Congratulations Blizzard, we needed more smurfs

are you playing on nintendo 3ds? if so then i can see why you can see no smurfs. there are tons of smurfs from silver to diamond. most smurfs are in plat but there are a lot of smurfs in gold too

Never seen any, at least not noticed.

Lmao. Xbox :slight_smile:

Told… LOL

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How about a matchmaking that considers MMR and level,
For example:

with lvl 307 i would be matched with player between 301-600

Calculate an average level for groups.

This would put Smurfs together with other Smurfs relatively quickly and filter them out of the normal player base.

I think the queue time will increase, but not significantly.
A lot of players (myself included) wouldn’t have a problem with that as long as you get into fair matches.

Or analyze why so many create Alts and Smurf accounts.

Apart from streamers, youtubers and developers (for the workshop) I don’t really see any understandable reason for alts, whoever wants to train or play causual can do this in QP. SR influencing of the classes is eliminated with role queue.

Maybe possibilities to link accounts, a ranked mode without SR just MMR.

Alt / Smurf only have negative effects on the game itself, but Billzard doesn’t care if the ruble is rolling.

sometimes I really think about starting OW knowing that I have to face Smurfs at least every 3nd match.

You can see that blizzard or Activision is all about money on OW2. Instead of packing all the PvE stuff into a DLC of 20-30 € and working intensively on Overwatch, they left Overwatch behind and sell the players the same game with a little PvE and “new” (cheaper and uglier) graphics for 60 €


we probably should just reset the whole rating system by now, just put everyone back to 0

hard reset

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People dont want NEW players ON their team because they see them as unpredictable “Dead Weight”. and as much as we like to be friends here. Rookies are NOT welcome in most online video games.

IT seams like a “nose thumbing” when the server hands a player a MATCH with 3 rookies on their team. NO endorsements, no experience with the match and the observable issue that the person does NOT have experience with how to avoid ultimates, how and when to use them.

With a GENERAL POPULATION it removes that hostility. The last thing people want to deal with in ANY online video game is STARTER ACCOUNTS. Im just stating the facts. I see it every day on here. Someone telling the STARTER account to LEAVE the match. Despite the server builtt he match.

The one side blames the rookie. While the rookie is mad at the programmer for putting their account into a match with a Heavy weight champion.


Imagine if we were going to go into a Sci-fi world and both You and I are going to do a team BOXING match against 2 clones of MIKE TYSON. I will be honest. Im not a big person, I cannot box and you probably have MUCH more experience with boxing than me! You more than likely would NOT want me on your team, but instead someone that has significantly MORE experience than you. Just so you have a fair chance! Sure, I could have a “fluke match” and landed 2 KOs in a former match, But that doesn’t mean im going to likely win this round.

That is how Blizzard treats PLAYERS and especially in competitive. It isn’t FUN and it is NOT fair. At all.

:grinning: :+1:t2:

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OW2 needs to have a subscription fee ngl. $5 a month. won’t happen, but it should.

This is an absolute joke and you know it. Multiple streamers make their livelihood by soft throwing. Go watch a Sleepy stream, he’s probably punching a bucket in a comp game at 4200SR.


cough Sideshow cough

Wholesome streamers like Fitzy are good though
:heart: stan FitzyHere

What I don’t understand is why Wyomingmyst peddles this stuff. It’s just not true. Either they’re willfully ignorant or they genuinely believe that Blizzard takes action against throwing. The latter seems insane when there are OWL players who throw on stream, sometimes regularly.

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Forums “Fix queue times this is unacceptable”

Also forums “Change the way matchmaking works so I don’t get paired with alt accounts, even if this means long queues”

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They need to implement some other kind of wall if they get rid of, or diminish, the paywall. The game could be FTP if you had to play, say, 50 hours to get into regular QP and 100 hours to get into regular comp.

Sounds like someone didn’t hear about the 100,000+ free copies they gave away recently via the OWL

(most of which clearly went to current players and not new players lol)


I’ve reported so many people (also including the replay code in the report) and I doubt they are being checked at this point as I no longer get the notifications.

The problem is, unless gameplay sabotage evidence leads to a permaban, console players literally have zero punishment for throwing as they just need to play through a few alt accounts.

it is time to buy some new 6 stack, yay! Thanks for recalling!

It wouldn’t be a problem if smurfs truely play their best. Problem is, in gold and plat it’s very problematic how many smurfs ruin games. They are either throwing games or boosting their friends. I’ve talked to my friends who play comp almost daily, they meet smurfs every day who ruin their game. Giving the argument about they should just play better to climb becomes irrelevant when games are ruined like this. We want to play with people with similar skill level.


they genuinely believe that they action throwers when they don’t (takes over 100 reports to action an account for throwing)

ab chat is the way to roll
they have lowered the threshold for that report because the community complained it doesn’t do anything

so now this troll community can ban each other all you want into perma ban

whoop-dee-do you are WRONG my good friendly buddy pal bro friend. I get smurfs one game I get them the next, I get friends boosting each other in games I get TEAMS of smurfs I get smurfs on MY TEAM I had a WHOLE GAME with smurfs (this was around the time I got dropped so my skill didn’t decline so I could clearly tell they didn’t belong there)

ya know, there was a time where people were complaining that you had to buy gold for multiple accounts on xbox, mostly families who didnt want to buy their kids gold each
now we are here