Confirmed, Overwatch 2 won't release in 2020

Sure. Assuming smurfing can be overlooked. A GM tank versus a Diamond tank is objectively bad, and this is a relatively common occurence at this point. Game quality is undoubtedly garbage. Blizzard has done very little this year in terms of seeking to improve that.

Jeff said from the beginning he didn’t think it was going to be ready in 2020 by saying they felt they were still going to be just talking about it at BlizzCon 2020. Literally no surprises here

Nothing at blizz goes that fast. We are still waiting for Diablo immoratal and that was 99% done when they showcased it.

How do 15 minute queue times correlate to the release of OW2?

Queue times won’t all of a sudden get better if they release OW2, this is an issue that can be solved without the release of OW2.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was cancelled cause of the backlash. Maybe China exclusive

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No, they’ve been clear that they’re still supporting it.

If it’s not a 2020 title, I’m sure it’ll release in the early months of 2021 (January or February). Jeff said they “may” be talking about it next Blizzcon (2020 Blizzcon), which I read as saying it would either be close to being finished or so far in the future that they may not mention it

That thread is also incorrect though

Dunno why people are pretending it’s gonna come out this year, it’s not. And the game is gonna stagnate and be a dim release when it does come out. OW is is the fault of devs that got lazy and let a good game be strangled by half arsed balance choices as well as ignored actual problems and no amount of band aids now or a new shiny is gonna fix the bad taste it left.

Boi if you don’t take out that bait-ashe “confirmed” in the title. There’s literally no confirmation, ya pineapple


The experimental card is great and for console players to test new things as well as PC.

We can save replays.

CC has got toned down. For better and for worse.

They are working on tweaking Paris.

That last one alone should cover it :joy: