Comprehensive Symmetra Rework Analysis (90+ šŸ’™; Fix ideas w/ Visuals + Survey!)

Oh! Wait! I suddenly just had a brainstorm. What if healing your allyā€™s shield also counted for charging up the beam? That would make her having 3 stages of beam progression far more easy to accept. Itā€™d still be bad without a shield tank ally, but somewhat better with one on team.

Yeah railway bypassing is a given I think either Infinate duration or being able to see through tp like In portal would really help out with teammates using tp more often

Old sym w/o lock on and throw turrets would be awesome. Keep her secondary as is too

I found old secondary was better when you had an actual primary

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I always think Iā€™m the only one that also thought Sombra should had been a Support hero. Not only this would give more grounds for ā€œsupport donā€™t mean healerā€ that Blizzard had to say every time someone complained about Symmetra, but would make sure people with support mindsets tried the hero first instead of the people trying to make her work like Tracer and feeling underpowered.

Unfortunately, now Blizzard agree that support means healer. So now Sym and Sombra are ā€œutility DPSā€

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I remember someone mentioning that Sombra in development was meant to be a support focused around hacks, but they changed her at last minute (okay maybe not minute) into what we have today.

I think Torb was supposed to be a support too during his development, but donā€™t quote me on that.

Makes me wonder what direction would ow take if they stayed as supportā€¦

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We would have probably seen a 500+ Hp tracer meta tbh.

I mean for awhile the most TERRIFYING (and I mean it) thing in overwatch was a 425 Hp Symmetra with a mercy and brig pocket.

Literally a walking lava beam of death.


425 HP nanoboosted Sym was a beautiful sight to see.

Thereā€™s nothing that can stand in my way!

That makes me actually wonder if buffs they wanted to give her would be enough to make old Sym meta. With armor from Torb and Brigitte, Sym would have no problems to charge up her old weapon. And once she didā€¦


HOLY CRAP!!! These ideas for nostalgic rework is AWESOME. Why does blizzard never use these creative ideas for reworks!? Really would love for this to be implemented into the gave ASAP. I do have a few suggestions for balancing:

  1. The architect glove ammo reload should be 3 seconds per bullet (like Doomfistā€™s hand cannon). This way it feels less Spam for other team.

  2. Keep the photon barrier health the same as in 2.0 and allow her to hold the shield in place for a max of 3 seconds (this would be done by holding ability button) . This allows for easier aiming and can be used as a personal shield.
    Might help make the ability easier to use.

Keep up the great work and keep this relevant. I want Jeff to see this asap.

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Ahh. That would be so much fun.

If iā€™m being honest, I like the idea of having the heroes multiple iterations being in the game and allowing us to choose which we want to play.
(Having Torb 1.0, Sym 1.0 and 2.0, Mercy with Rez, and others being able to be chosen based on personal preference.)

  1. This is actually great idea. But instead of 3 sec maybe 4. But I think teleporter would need to have no cooldown if this is implemented. That would mean you could have like 2 charges on teleport :smiley: and it would go on 24 sec CD. Interesting, really. I am gonna add it ASAP.
  2. The reason I reduced the HP is simple - Hammond mines. Simply throwing out a 1000hp will destroy most of his mines. Thatā€™s too much. My idea was to reduce the inconsistency. You have its hp smaller but more often. I mean, how many times you lost more than 500 hp on this shield before it became useless? Only against bastion or ulting pharah really. And while I loved watching Pharah dying to her ult, I would gladly replace it with barrier used more often.
    And since it has lower CD it is encouraged to be used to help allies as well, not for personal use. You know, like a support.
    I donā€™t think stoping this shield is needed, it would make it sooo much better, yes, but I like the fact itā€™s ability based on predicting enemies. With its lower CD I donā€™t think this is a problem.

Not gonna happen. Itā€™s too much work for a game that never offered such thing before. We can daydream though.


I understand what you mean regarding the hp for the barrier. However I still think it would help lower the skill floor and allow for some breathing room if she could hold it for a short amount of time (like 3 seconds). Would also punish players who use the barrier incorrectly with the reduced health. Just something that could help since it could allow for a well aimed shield that can block fatal damage for a teammate.

Keep up the good work and keep this thread alive.

Also you might want to look at the orbs and photon shield ability. The photon shield should have the cooldown trigger once the temporary shields have completely decayed. Otherwise it could result in constant spam.
The orbs damage confuses me regarding the 95dps for smallest orbs?
One last thing, might one to make it impossible to stack turrets on each other to prevent the turrets from being indestructible and powerful. May need to look into the hp for turrets

If Iā€™m reading into it right, it just means that if you can manage to land the smaller orbs on your target, the amount you launch by rapidly right clicking would be equal to 95dps if they all landed. 95dps for rapidly launched orbs, or 120dps for timed released charged orbs.

I could be wrong, but I think thatā€™s what weā€™re after?

Excellent work! I hope the developers see this!

if everyone is running deathball how come we arenā€™t seeing more sym? This should have been syms time to shine. but we lost pierce and all our survivability.

sym 2.0 would have dominated in this meta


Currently Symmetra can release smallest orb at earliest possible time after 0.2 second, and thereā€™s a 0.063 between charges. So the fastes possible fire rate is 1 orb every 0.263 second. if we buffed the initial damage of the smallest orbs to 25, it would lead to about 95 DPS.

I donā€™t want shields CD to start after shields decay. Thatā€™s the point. You give it for 4 seconds on one target, and then you either switch the target or buff him again. If you use it constantly, it gives roughly 30 shields/second, if not counting cast time. However, the effectiveness of this ability depends on either good prediction and timing, like zarya bubble, since the shields decay and becomes less effective with time. Itā€™s supposed to imitate the reactive healing of other supports.

I donā€™t understand the turret problem tho. They are as useful stacked in one place as they are currently. Which is not useful at all.

Edit: This version of Sym is supposed to do 3 things: help main healer with his job, counter snipers and counter flankers.

With the amount of shields she gives, damage reduction from photon barrier, and hp to shields conversion, it would be hard to believe she wonā€™t be put in off-healer slot.

Everything she has counters snipers. SG literally prevents oneshots, photon barrier zones far off targets perfectly. Turrets are throwable and can be used to deny any sniper positions available. Teleporter can give immobile targets a way to reach these far-off targets, and perfectly timed Defense Projection also can save people from sniper shot.

She can deal with flankers easily. Flankers wonā€™t focus your sniper/healer if they are looking for SG, turrets can reveal incoming flankers and their location. And she has great 1v1 potential with increased initial damage, photon barrier, and moira aiming mechanics still contribute with figh against mobile characters.

This Symmetra has a purpose.

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The shield thing makes sense. As for the turrets, due to the health buff, I worry people might stack turrets to make a really strong turret bomb. This could result in the community complaining about her turrets and wanting a nerf.

Also I guess the holding photon barrier before releasing is a no? Just to clarify.

And how did you get the animations from 2.0? Did pre record them last year or something?

You cannot teleport turrets. It says in the rework. They also deal little damage. Theyā€™re source of slow, not damage.

I would prefer not to make her more complicated than she already is. Which is why itā€™s a no to immobile photon barrier*. Maybe something to consider later.

Which animation?

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I know turrets wouldnā€™t be able to teleport in your rework. I just had a concern if players would try abusing the extra health.

I also understand your standing on the moving shield so Iā€™ll stop asking about it.

I was referring to the animations from the nostalgic rework ideas. You said you were an animator so I wanted to know how you made those gifs

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35 health gets destroyed as fast by AoE dmg as 30. I donā€™t see a problem.

When it comes gifs:
First one is actually a bug that was recorded on the PTR. It basically made lockon available at 9 meters instead of 7. I donā€™t remember who recorded this, I just downloaded it for some reason I dont remember. But it looks like I forgot to delete it, at it fits my idea so well, so I turned it to gif.

For photon orb I recorded 2 custom games: one with normal speed and one with 250% projectile speed (50 m/s) and mashed both together in video editor. And since thereā€™s no 50% proj speed in custom, I had to cut middle of the video in half speed, which is why it looks so bad.

Weapon switch is a still image with a greenscreened recording of her current TP stance, since it is the same as old one. Thereā€™s a greenscreen in Hollywood so I recorded it here. I didnā€™t find any good turret exoskeleton visuals anywhere so I decided to make it myself in Blender 3D and made it rotate a bit.

Turret and tp simply are mashed together with these visuals.

Photon Barrier is a still image that shrinks constantly on top of greenscreened cast animation.

Defense Projection is from her gameplay trailer.

Ult is combination of all previous (I had to run forward while casting TP to not record the entrace of TP) + I downloaded sym 3d model and animated cast animation. Shieldgen visuals are made in Blender 3D as well. All mashed together in video editor.

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