Comprehensive Symmetra Rework Analysis (90+ 💙; Fix ideas w/ Visuals + Survey!)

Did not really think about that… whoops. Still think the slow down rate that the turrets currently have on live should remain the same and the damage should be increased from 15 to 20.

If you have time, could you provide a visual image of how big her weapon’s hit box would be? Would like to see the size.

Also the version I suggested before technology would not be as big as if the enemy leaves your screen, it would disconnect instantly. 2.0 allowed the beam to bend around corners before disconnecting.

The rework idea is a bit too OP

I would loooove a greater feedback here than just “OP”. What is OP exactly? is it an ability? Is it concept?

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Just go check on Moira. That’s the best comparision.

The symm 2.0 version idea gives msymmtrea a bit too much value, and the shield gen idea makes some heroes near unkillable like a better version of sound barrier

Consider that: she has pathetic damage and she cannot really heal, although shields regenerate after 3 sec. She is purely based on utility, and by that i mean a ton of utility.

50 HP every 15 sec is unkillable? By going that logic, constant 75 that could be healed up was broken overpowered.

It was. Saying that as a Sym2 main. There is a reason why enemies would focus so hard on breaking out down ASAP, and when they didn’t, your team usually win all team fights.

The hard part was convincing your own team that the SG was allowing them to live much longer than intended. It was a fast charging ult, was easy to maintain a high uptime (it was absurdly easy to charge), and it diverted attention like crazy.

SG was really strong, but not in the same way Transcendence or Graviton Surge are strong.

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Looks like it wasn’t strong enough to make Sym viable, sadly.

I mean the 75% of the person’s hp shield gen

Wow, you actually surprised me with this one.
I mean, she is supposed to do off-healers job right? How otherwise it would work? I like it because it actually promotes safer gameplay, not a blind run onto enemies.

Is it OP tho?

A suddenly having having 1050 hp (Primal worht of hp) is fine in your eyes?

what are you on about? Seriously, am I missing something?

nvm I misread,

but I am mad you stole that animation from ying in pladins

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Now, I am pleased.
Edit: So is it still OP or not? :smiley:

I think she was viable, but not in the sense some people consider a hero to be viable.

Most people consider an hero viable when pro players use them (even sparingly), and by this lens, Symmetra definitely wasn’t viable, but neither are two other heroes most people consider to be good and balanced: Soldier 76 and Reaper. And that’s before we touch the off meta heroes.

Symmetra was a ladder hero. Someone that was designed for non-FPS players to be able to compete on a FPS game. It makes sense, both design and gameplay wise that she would not be attractive to the FPS crowd. That’s also why so many Symmetra players had a tendency to play her primarily or exclusively. Not because they don’t want to be flexible, but because no other hero play like her.

Symmetra 1.0 was underpowered, but most of her weak points were fixed on Sym2. She was successful and viable at what she was designed to do, and that didn’t involved esports at all.


I think it’s mostly fine except how clunky the amout of inputs are

Putting my last imput here: 🤨 Part 3 and Finale: Time To Chill and Drop The Unfinished Hero: Sym (My Last Topic on the Matter; Ex-Sym Main) (Updated)

Where do I check that? What would the circle crosshair size be for her hitbox?

I was talking about gut feeling.
I think Moira’s hitbox is about (only) 10% bigger than Symmetra’s. It’s mostly about visuals. That’s what I got from my observations.

Woah. Weapon switching is clunky?