Completely Ridiculous suspension?

So, I got suspended for a month? for apparently abusive language…now I do ask people to “please use your brain harder” simply because I do not want to get suspended but desire to express my opinion.

How come the community can simply abuse the reporting system, and then the system just issues an auto-ban? This is completely ridiculous, especially given that there is not even an appeal process.

I am pretty sure that Blizzard has not lost a paying customer…


What exactly have you done? They don’t simply ban you for fun, so for real, how toxic have you been? Because saying

Really gives me the some trash talker vibes, (I am not saying you are, just it gives me this vibe).


lol you can get reported just for asking for a switch, or help, or for feeders to stop feeding lol the report system is a joke


yes, I will engage in “trash talk” but that is also part of gaming. I use clean language, but I do openly disagree. It is pretty severe to not respect the free use of language. I am not supposed to say: “Hey Rein don’t charge 1v6 that is just silly?” …folks get offended and report as “abusive chat”…that is not abusive…
it is the truth…

The fact that the reporting system is this arbitrary - if someone think’s I am being abusive, then I get judged as guilty by the blizzard machine? That is some proto-communist censorship right there…Insanity that our modern society tolerates this.


It’s an automated system. They mustve had the other 11 players and then some from recent matches to report him enough. Suspensions are based on reports per hour/week; as far as we know of. So unless he also said something, lets say in the racist terms (not saying he did, just example) he would likely get a longer suspension if it was reviewed by a live Game Master.

My buddy was suspended from voice chat for 2 weeks BECAUSE he called out a 6-Stack for smurfing (Which they were all new accounts under lv 100 except one of them and they were stomping the match). They reported him and 3 hours later he was suspended. He never talks on his mic, barely types in chat.

yup, I am aware that this is driven by an Algorithm. But it is also completely ridiculous. I am sure we have all experience the extremely toxic nature of this community in game from time to time, and yes, I probably do not always acquit myself perfectly, however, racist or abusive is not something I am, never have been, never have been accused of anything like this. But I do stand up for myself. I don’t cry to big brother and arbitrarily smash the report button. Now, who is checking whether the folks that reported me did not do so facetiously? Because my guess is that there is no check on that whatsoever. Which then means that any suspension arising from such a system is Arbitrary.


Well there is a difference of saying, Rein don’t charge in a 1v6, and say:

the first sentence is ok, the second isn’t. Also

No… No it is not, COD trash talk aren’t the norms, they are just annoying when you are trying your best and there is that dude who is Gaslighting you because of an error you did it is REALLY annoying AND frustrating, the only thing people want of these people is that they shut up, also, it makes people less whiling to do as you say.

I am sorry for you that you got banned, but maybe you need to learn to shut up.
People don’t want to hear you screaming at them, or insulting them. Next time, press M, and scream alone without people hearing you. That way you won’t get banned.


LMAO, trash talk is embedded in our society. Any sporting event, any competitive event, there exists trash talk. Now I agree that there is a line here, but I assure you, that trash talk is well protected as a freedom of speech. Context is actually supremely important.

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I am 100% with you. I was just making examples for your initial responder to your post. Neither I nor, my buddy, are racist or abusive either, but he has fallen victim of this poor excuse of a punishment system. Especially when they completely removed the Live Game Masters, that kept WoW peaceful and balanced for the majority of its life. When they dropped them, it went down hill altogether for Blizzard.

This is why I dont play this game much if at all. I just watch him play while I watch shows.

I am pretty sure that Blizzard just lost a loyal customer. I have played every blizzard game since Warcraft, with most of my gaming being exclusively blizzard titles. It is a shame, but this complete injustice, I will not tolerate. I will vote with my wallet here, and I know, it will not make one iota of difference, but I am pretty sure I will not spend another red cent on anything Blizzard or Activison etc.

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Well you are not gonna be happy if you didnt hear the news already. Activision just completely finished buying up Blizzard, shut down the Blizzard EU office and is setting new guidelines to released. The Activision Boss is taking over. So say good by to everything Blizzard that you remember.

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There isn’t. Never has been. Never will be. Report, report, report. Get whoever you want banned.


I got the hammer too on alt, was playing tank on my lowest ranked for a week or two.
Bad cause I got legit harassed on voice twice, once by stack, second I don’t remember and I just threw tantrums in text because other than they were abusive they were also hard feeders

File a complaint with the BBB. They can’t deny you a paid service without giving you a refund.

Technically they can if you break terms of service. Otherwise every hacker or thrower could do so with no penalty. Just get a refund.

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I am pretty certain that they have the right to ban me if they chose to do so. It is a free country after all. I can also just choose to not play anymore Activision or Blizzard games.

Right. I was more so pointing that out to the person who said to file a complaint with BBB to get a refund. They can ban whoever they want and that person can choose to not give them any more money.


Buddy, I’m gonna be real with you. I can get toxic. Normally I’m pretty tame, but the right person can really set me off on something less than ideal. Even when I’m not agitated I can flame my teammates pretty consistently.

Even with that, I’ve never been muted longer than a week, and have never been straight up suspended for abusive chat. To get a month long suspension, you not only have to have been saying some next level toxic stuff, you had to have also received several warnings, and it had to have occurred over an extended duration.

This isn’t an overnight 5-6 bad games thing. You had to be almost trying for that suspension unless you’re a targeted streamer.


I assure you, I was not trying for a suspension. Nor was I trying to be toxic. I was no more or less toxic than I have been over the 2+ years of playing this game. There was no warning that I was getting reported etc. I simply logged off after my session this morning, and when I came back I was banned. Again, I have played this game particularly for over 2 years now, and this was a gaming session like all the others, it did not stand out one way or the other. Not sure what happened.

I’ve said some mean and toxic things in this game, and I’ve never been muted. You gotta really try to get a silence in this game.