Competitive update every game! Rank Transparency!

Cant believe I’m seeing no recent threads on this, but are yall really okay with seeing your rank every 8-12 games (~50% win rate)?

You fought your butt off for a W and saw no changes. You went 5-1 and got the same rank, or vice versa. It’s not consistent, nor making sense. You’ve all been there but no one wanna at least complain about it?

Transparency is all I want, and I don’t think I’m alone in this.


yes, i think if blizz put out a public poll to vote on it (allowing only people who are ranked in comp so we don’t get any arcade/quickplay trolls voting on it) 99.9% of people would prefer to see their SR every single match + how much SR they lost or gained on their current match.


Ill let you know this is my first season playing since season 1. Decay got remvoed so i jumped back in. Depends on how my rank up goes. I know its flawed for some and down right broken but i need to see it happen myself.

IMO in the short term it doesn’t feel great.

You have to literally play over 100 games though before, at least in my opinion, your rank is accurately reflected (when you kinda reach your peak for a season). Otherwise I think it’s too easy for your rank to fluctuate up or down 1 division or 2, which feels huge considering how long we wait for an assessment and how big a change even 1 or 2 divisions is…

When it was such a small change in SR PER game you had nothing to complain about and it was easy to see and understand your slow progression over many dozens of games with the old system.

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This was my first reply in the post that is pinned at the top of this topic: Overwatch 2 Competitive Play - Season Four - #5 by Sapulidi-2843

Well said brother. BLIZZARD DO SOMETHING!

I just want the old system from OW1. Seriously why would they think we want less information about our rank.

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Another day another 5-1, 5-2, 5-1 all stayed the same then a 5-0 and dropped down to play 1 again. I wouldn’t mind if my performances were stinky but lately I’ve been playing way better than I had been.

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