Competitive ranks broken (master post)

same happend to me, bronze 5. got 30 kills almost every game and when i promote o bronze 5 again…


Just happened to me again. Got placed in Silver 5 for the 3rd time now. My friend who was queued up with me got placed in the same rank he was previously at as well. This needs to be looked into. I find it hard to believe that the system is working as intended.

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Back here again so say I’ve finally ranked up on the sixth time after losing 0 games for the 3rd time now I’m plat 3

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So I made a new account to see if I was just bad and actually meant to be stuck bronze 5 after 80+ wins. Played my placements instantly gold 4. I won 7 games and shot up to gold 1. So its definitely a bug. I’m guessing its accounts that played ranked before the patch or accounts from the original overwatch.


Yeah I just ranked up a fourth time as support. My friends are able to rank and outranked me so I can’t play with them in comp. This is the only mode we play because of the skill boundaries. I can’t even grind to play with them. This is really bad.

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So I was Silver 5. Then I had 7 wins and around 7 - 10 losses. My rank update screen indicated Bronze 5 to Bronze 1. Why did I lose an entire rank???

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This issue is till affecting me too. I’ve been able to rank up twice in the past day, but nothing changes at all. Before the previous two rank ups, I was Silver 3, but for each of my next rank ups, I was “promoted” to Silver 4. I also don’t believe the system is allowing me to catch up to my actually rank as fast as I should, since I was placed bronze 5. I was gold at least before I stopped playing Overwatch 1.


same situation here.


My competitive statistics are only showing 11 minutes on a win with mercy and none of my other games are recorded. On top of that, I win 7 games multiple times and am hard stuck bronze 5 because my wins don’t exist, I guess!

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j ai arreter de jouer vendredi apres avoir etais classé bronze 5 16 fois d affilé , j espere qu ils vont reparer , en attendant je ne joue plus c est trop ennervant :slight_smile:


I am a main healer and i queue usually in a 4 stack team.
We play 9/10 games together so we basically share all wins and losses.
However my teammates who originally also were ranked bronze five are now slowly approaching plat approaching where I on the otherside am stuck on S4 for pretty much the last 5 rank adjustments.

And even if you take other factors into consideration like OW1 ranks and consistency on the score board it still doesnt make any sense.

I usually have the most Healing done / most assists / (Depending on the situation) most or nearly most kills.
And im not talkin about low numbers, we are talking about the healing being around the 20k mark on average.

One friend even got past me already even though the last 3 OV1 seasons (that he played) he ended up in silver and bronze.

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Figured I should add top master post:

Finished my placements as Bronze 5… figured whatever.

Just won my next 7 with 3 losses as top support every game. Still Bronze 5.

Makes playing comp seem pointless.

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Ranked from Silver 4 to Gold 4 to Gold 1 to Platnium 5…didn’t even lose 20 games and then after winning another set of 7 games drops to Gold 2 out of nowhere? How does this new rank system works Blizzard, it does not make sense to me at all. I should not have drop to Gold 2 after winning 7 games in Plat 5. What is going on???


hey ive had the same issue i have 2 accounts both have ranked bronze 5 with one my dps ive completed the 7 wins now over 3 times lol and stuck in bronze 5 over and over again no matter how much i try to rank up im stuck even during my initial ranking placement im being paired with lower ranking players and its just making overwatch seem not fun anymore i dont know if ill continue playing as i have no point if im being put in ranks where i feel ive got to carry every game to try get wins to boost my rank and if i dont carry then the team ultimately loses its not fun as im a relatively experienced player never really had this issue in ow1 makes me sad this has happened.

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I am having this issue also I was platinum 3 last night and I have not played a game until tonight and now I was suddenly gold 3 going to gold 1 I would like my rank restored please


Might as well throw in my two cents. I’ve ranked up about 23 times and each time I still get placed Bronze 5. When I contacted Blixzard about it, all they could tell me was that other people on the forums had reported the same issue. I had asked if it just wasn’t guaranteed every time, I’d asked if only based on performance as in they take my stats and compare them to others and rank me up accordingly. I had asked all these things and they couldn’t just tell me I was terrible or something or that their system was based on how well I did. No, nothing, and I’m frustrated because everyone keeps telling me how it (the ranking system) works but Blizzard won’t even say how it works.

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My current issue is getting to Plat 4, staying there for at least one set of 7 wins (which is fine, I understand how the system is meant to work) BUT I will be in Plat games, my rank will show plat everywhere, then when I get my re-evaluation after 7 wins it flashes Gold 5 (as if it were my current rank) and then I rank up from there (typically to Gold 2 at this point).

So, I get back up to Plat, play plat games, win plat games, then it all of a sudden has me bottom Gold without warning, adjustments, or anything else prior to the 7 wins.

(All of this being said, I have never lost 20 games (before 7 wins for sure) so I dont know if its 20 games cumulative, or 20 games within a set of 7 wins. But to just play Plat games, then have it show gold like its always been my rank is confusing.


Yup I’m stuck at plat 4. just keeps putting me in plat 4 and now my group I play with is diamond while I’m stuck not being able to rank up. I have ranked since I’ve been in plat 4, 4 times now. Each time it just says plat 4. I’m just stuck now.


Yes this is very true I was on silver 1 then I went all way down to bronze 5 and I have never gotten up ever even after finishing 7 wins. Blizzard should fix this ASAP.

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I have played 69 games. and have won several matches and my placement has not moved, meanwhile my friends who i played matches (ranked) with have ranked up and i am unable to play with them

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