Competitive Progress Bug

The Competitive Progress menu that shows your current WINS-LOSSES-DRAWS is bugged. Sometimes I have 1 more loss than I should have. For example, I finished my last win of my last set of games, and when I started the new set of games, I already had 1 loss.

I have a screenshot here (remove the spaces in the URL):
https:// imgur. com/a/OnFIG7Z

Note: No, it’s not possible it’s from a different role queue. I only play support.

This is beyond frustrating considering I am coming off a loss streak and already have an extra loss that I did not get. It is also beyond frustrating because I have been reporting experiencing this issue since May of this year and have had no one respond to this.


I have the same issue. I think Competitive Progress is bugged. I had a 5-2 record and stayed same rank. Others in the forums had 10-1 record and stayed the same.

Blizzard please help us resolve these issues. Competitive is boring and pointless with these bugs.

*Screenshots to prove h-t-t-p-s- ://

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I have the same issue where I already have 1 loss after finishing one set of games and resetting the progress. Really sad…

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I’ve compiled a list of similar posts regarding similar bugs under: Match History Pages. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.