Competitive Points & Golden Weapons in OW2

I may have missed it somewhere but will ranked points carry over/ continue to be earned in OW2 and will golden weapons still be available to buy after the transition into OW2?


I might be wrong, but I don’t think they’ve talked about competitive points yet. They’ll probably do so when they go into more depth about the new competitive system.

As for golden weapons, if I recall correctly they had talked about gold weapons being unfinished back during the betas, so it seems they’ll still be around. Whether or not that means we’ll still be able to buy them though, no clue.


Every kind of points will be carried over and we also got a look at JQ golden weapon. So yes we still have golden weapons in OW2 and comp points. Logically it continues as we have it now.

(Thats one of the reasons I grinded 3k points for Kirikos weapon :sunglasses:)

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I think they said in a reddit AMA that cp will carry over.

Yes, golden guns can still be earned.

But we do not have any information about the rates/rewards.


Thanks, yea I did not see it mentioned anywhere so was unsure. I have 3700 ranked points now, so was not sure if I should use them before there gone or save them for a new hero.

Just save them. Worst case is that they are not usable on the new heroes and can only be used for the old ones. But because they get carried over I would wait.

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There were hints in the past that gold weapons won’t be obtainable with comp points (comp points still carry over) so if I was you I would use them now. If nothing changes you won’t be missing anything and will be able to get comp points again anyway.

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Thanks, yea I had not heard or seen anything in the article about them. Was unsure if I should spend what I got or save for a new hero.

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comp points transfer

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So I’m following up on that dexerto thread
and they cite Jonspectator and he says:

Ok mr spectator sport can you please update us?
The game launches in like a day?

There are rumors the cost for golden guns is going to go up from 3k comp points to 4k or 5k and include additional requirements - which could mean anything…like min games played or rank or some other gates?

Are we being deliberately misinformed or just more bad community management? Sounds like they were saving this news until after launch to bind people into more grinds and artificial retention.

And looks like there will be competitive challenges like those in the battlepass that award comp points for golden weapons on top of just the usual points for wins.

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They’ve only talked about golden weapons. Are we ever going to get silver weapons!? Cause we all know Silver is better than Gold. You know… “1st is the worst, 2nd is the best?”