Competitive people need to chill

Listen I am a competitive person myself, sitting in 4070 on Support and 3900+ peak at the other ones, thriving to be top500 someday. So it’s in my opinion even more important for competitive people to CHILL OUT and not let their rage out on others, nor on themselves… Only be mad at the things which are in your control, all the other sh** shouldn’t even bother you. Yes even throwers and smurfs and what not who make you believe that they stop you from climbing shouldn’t bother you, because it’s statistically disproven and a matter of your own mindset, NOT the environment. You are the most impactful factor when it comes to your own games. Focus on yourself and yourself only, not on others :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Saw this video earlier tonight and I very much appreciate its message.

I also recommend giving this post a look over since you asked about rigged match making.

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External factors should merely be acknowledged instead of dwelling on them to shift the blame. The only thing you should always be thinking about is yourself and how you can play better.

Different game but applies the exact same to OW.