Competitive Mystery Hero

More like “Who gets lucky enough to get Mercy or 3 tanks first.”


Yeah, it’s lame, there is no real reward for playing it, and it’s even more about luck than actual competitive.

When you throw bad RNG, bad matchmaking, and a piss-poor at best MMR algorithm into a blender, this game mode is what you get.

I disagree… Lol.

I had a team that asked me “you really like torb huh” because I didnt die one round, and I said “Nah, I just dont like dying”

The strat for CMH is

  1. To stay alive long enough to get your ult
  2. Use ult wisely before dying
  3. Get lucky with RNG.
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CMH is amazing due to the fact that it’s an absolute disaster. I don’t take it seriously, but I have a great time playing it :joy:

One of my first MH Comp matches, we ended up with 2 Mercys. One being me. I used damage boost. The other Mercy focused on doing all the healing. We kept reviving eachother. It was pretty fun.

I had one where we ended up with a Rein, a Sigma, AND a Monkey. They literally could not touch us. Then another one where we ended up with 3 Moiras at once and like… yeah. Just attach 3 drinking straws and everything died. The on the other hand, you end up with the enemy having 2 Mercys and a Bastion with an Orisa and a Sigma. Yeah… that one was not fun. Literally one kill on Junkertown and they pushed it all the way from spawn to end with that.