Competitive Modes: Didn't Receive End of Season Rewards


I play Overwatch 2 on console and in Season 2 of Competitive Mystery Heroes, I was placed in Masters. However, I did not receive my end of the season competitive (CP) rewards for that rank. The same thing also happened to me for the regular competitive mode, Season 6, where my end of the season rank was Diamond for Support, which I also didn’t receive my CP end of the season points for.

With all of the updates that the game has had, I’m wondering if I will now be able to receive these rewards?

Thank you.

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I have linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I’ve compiled a list of similar posts regarding similar bugs under: End-Of-Season Competitive Rank And Rewards. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

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Thanks for sharing and for all the work you put into this!

I was looking over the thread and it’s really shocking to see so many people experiencing the same issues, if not worse. I’m hoping that the Competitive changes coming in Season 9 will alleviate, if not resolve, the majority of these issues.

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Between seasons 2 and 6 you had to win 15 competitive games to qualify for end of season rewards in your game mode.

15 for role q to qualify for RQ rewards and then 15 seperate winss for OQ rewards

This was changed to 5 in season 7

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Seconding Arani, there was a new requirement implemented to earn competitive points each season, which is to win 5 games for Role Queue Competitive or Open Queue Competitive respectively. However, if you did win these 5 games and completed the competitive challenger requirement, then this is likely a bug. Unfortunately, the developers have only twice retroactively awarded bugged competitive rewards, for Season 3 and Season 4. You can find a list of similar threads in the Competitive Bugs Megathread linked above under the subcategory: End-Of-Season Competitive Rank And Rewards. I hope this helps.