Competitive Matchmaking

So I was doing my placement matches, like I would ever season. For 4/10 of the placements I was stuck at a loading screen which would have been alright if I could have joined back but when I attempted to reconnect it just told me “Connection Failure” and counted it as a loss against me which I now sit at 1459 SR because of it. Has anyone else stumbled across this?

If you are disconnected, it counts as a leave. The game has no way to tell if you left intentionally or were having internet issues. If you are having connection issues, either fix the issue on your side or wait for the servers to recover. Test in quick play to make sure that things are good before trying competitive again.

See How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 11) → “Leaver Penalty” for more.

I’d recommend after your 1st d/c try playing Quick Play or Arcade until your games are running consistently before going back to Comp.