Competitive is just trash now

Playing competitive is making me more frustrated day by day like there is no point in doing anything else. I know there are other arcade game and there is QP but competitive is always the main thing. Right now it’s just filled with leavers and toxic teammates which just makes you feel worse and worse everyday. Plus if anyone even leaves the game it’s a guaranteed loss for your team and you lose more SR. I just played like 5 comp games and I lost 3 of them because of leavers on top of which I lost more than 30sr per game which makes it worse. Blizzard needs to find some new ways to deal with the people leaving problem, all we got till now is priority queue which is trash anyway, they have to do something which grants the opp team on the win but also is not very harsh to the losing side who’s teammate(s) have quit the game.


Trash now? … its been trash for a VERY long time


yeah thats true, it just keeps getting worse every season


Yeah I’m starting to run dry on whatever reward center this game banged on in my brain. Having 3 days worth of SR deleted in 1-2 lost games just feels absolutely terrible. I get that you are where you are because of your skill but nothing is more deflating than getting cussed at constantly in comms and dropping back to where you were 3 days ago.


Tell me about it man, borb meta is making this game unplayable

Poetry. Causffct is right. This game is an embarrassment to competitive gaming. Then again, competitive gaming’s been a joke recently overall.

Example: If you see Tekken, the game use to be very well made, very balanced. Lately, they’ve been pulling some League of Legends crap by making the DLC characters overpowered. At EVO Japan, there were 5 Leroys (a broken character you have to pay for) at Top 8. That use to not be the case. Tekken was pretty well known for having a wide variety of their cast having the potential to win.

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Good Job in your analysis… well this been bought in Blizzard attentions way back… i guess history repeats itself… and again and again and again… and again.

It’s crap, but once those team owners start saying screw it and threaten to back out then they’ll start actually making the game better. Right now OWL is a joke that no one really cares about.

Add backfill and get rid of the penalties for leaving. Better matches and shorter queues. I don’t want anyone in my match that doesnt want to be there, personally.

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The entire system needs to be replaced for OW2.

The philosophy should be: People should not be punished for things out of their control.


For comp: Backfill between rounds only. Too much overhead getting it to work in a comp environment.

For better matches AND shorter queues: they could simply stop rigging. By rigging we mean passing your performance data, mmr, sr, ksr, through a classifier and trying to knapsack the right teammates/foes for your matches.

And the single most important change is getting rid of 2-3 of their bad employees. The ones tasked with ladder integrity, who simply haven’t delivered, 4 years later. Get them out, get new ones in.

Backfill is extremely slow in QP.
It took a whole round to find a support just right now. And even dps have such times some times.
Penalties for leaving should be kept 100%.

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Since when have we had more than 1 season? No-reset no chance.

There team needs a few leavers. Then we can get new blood in there to start fixing these issues.

This is something that always will happen. People start to play new released game in first 5 seasons which has far more bugs and unpolished stuff than it would have 20 seasons later and game evolves and they have to adapt to changes and then they call it trash because they are unwilling to adapt or whatever reason because they still have fond memories of first 5 seasons.

Everything goes according to the plan.

This is so true LOL.


Yes, because it’s been working great so far, right? People don’t care, man. Accounts are free everywhere but PC, which you can buy for as low as $12 if you get banned.

The punishment does not matter when it is so easy to avoid, as evidenced by how many players still leave matches regularly 4 years into the game. Where is the logic in a leaver penalty under such circumstances? This is just another video game, like Quake or Halo. Not serious business.

If the devs don’t want people leaving, then they need to incorporate a system that makes a leaver less disruptive. Punishments do not do that. The other 11 people are just left with a crap or cancelled match every time.

Not letting people leave will just cause them to lash out in other ways like being toxic and trolling. They dont want to be there. Nobody else wants them there. Let them leave. Its stupid.