Competitive Bronze is unplayable Season 16

I have been playing Overwatch for almost a month now, and I have discovered that I have been getting the same people that are throwing and Smurfing their way to stay in bronze. I only had 1 out of 20 matches that were actually teammates that wanted to climb and play to improve, while the other matchmaking times are just the same people with the same Chat Behaviors and the same acts of pretending to play bad.

The smurf problem has worsned a lot more in Overwatch this season and I can’t climb out of bronze if 99 percent of the matches are people who don’t desire to grow competitively as I do, and no, The answer isn’t only to git gud, because there’s a high probably chance that your teammates will not help and do what they please. And even if you manage a win, these guys will find a way to trap you back in, Bronze hell doesn’t exist nor elo hell, It’s just players who are not interested in growing and just wanna trap people to climb.

Shouldn’t these people be reported due to ruining competitive matches.
I have evidence to backup my statement if nobody believes me.
Anyway, either fix and punish these throwers severely for ruining competitive play and growth on Overwatch or reset my Sr ranking once the season is over because I never realized how bad and unplayable bronze have become on it’s latest season.

Also, there are groups throwing in competitive play, you know you have a problem if more people like that are taking over on the lower ranks.

What do you guys think?


Having dipped into 1200 SR territory in Season 10, I can agree that bronze is a total cesspool. While I never dipped below 1000 SR (where I can imagine life is even worse), even high bronze was quite a mess.

That being said, I will say that if throwers and leavers abound down there (which I’m sure they do), then you’re just as likely to get them on the other team as well as yours. With that in mind, your performance as an individual player can still have an impact on the rest of your team. Will it work for every game? No. But it will work for a good portion of them, and if you gradually show improvement, the MMR system will slowly but surely take you out of bronze.

I would also add that you have only been playing Overwatch for a month now. That’s honestly a very short timespan, and it takes many hours of grinding to rank up. When I was in bronze in Season 10, it took me the entire season to climb to silver (I ended up playing 50 hours of comp that season). It then took me all of Season 11 to climb to gold (70 total hours played that season). It wasn’t until around Season 13 or 14 that I finally dipped into platinum.

In short, you can climb out of bronze, despite all the throwers down there. It just takes time: perhaps even lots and lots of time.


I’m just really good at playing video games, and I have learned really fast during these quick play matches, tips, and watched some coaching videos and learning about the characters playstyles, I carried a lot of inexperienced players to victories for fun during quickplay. But I just think that mid bronze isn’t hard to carry and win, I just don’t see any legit bronze players left on this rank and I have been encountering the same guys in these competitive match-ups. I think the smurf throwers are getting out of hand and there is no way to rank up unless you 6 stack a team and climb that way.
There are even groups that shown people that wants to throw to bronze, and another group that can get you out of bronze if he or she uses your account, Ironic enough, the users of those groups are the exact same throwers and smurfers I met, I think it’s gotten out of hand.


It be nice to have a bronze account to play :thinking:

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Lol, that’s why you just play comp for fun. Don’t put your efforts into it.

I agree. I think the only thing to do is raise awareness and diligently report.

From my experience, the problem significantly diminishes as you get above 1000 SR. It’s really the 500-800 SR range that is abysmal.

Don’t get discouraged. Report thrower groups in LFG by taking the following steps:

  1. Join the group
  2. Refuse to select a role
  3. Wait until they kick you out
  4. Right click the names of everyone that was in the group from chat and report for Gameplay Sabotage.
  5. Feel better that you’re contributing to a solution to the problem.

#2 is important, because if you join, and select a role, they may queue right away and the game may pop before you can leave. Then you’ll be forced to finish a thrower game.

For a while I had tried to select a role and tell the group that they were being reported, but it led to problems like above. Though, it did give me the opportunity to learn about how horrible many of the throwers are. Several sent me friend requests and proceeded to yell at me, call me names, etc. Some were coherent enough to explain that they didn’t believe people in Bronze deserved to play comp, and they had to WANT to be in bronze to be there “because you have to be AFK or shooting at the sky” to stay in bronze.

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That being said, I will say that if throwers and leavers abound down there (which I’m sure they do), then you’re just as likely to get them on the other team as well as yours.

Unfortunately, that’s not true if you’ve been playing a long time. I never get the Smurf because I have a lot of experience in the game. I get paired with green players. There are quite a few people wallowing in Bronze and can’t climb out because throwers and leavers make things so imbalanced.

I wish the law of averages worked that way, but it only does if you play constantly.

Every single game has a low level smurf dominating or someone from a higher rank dropping on purpose

Put your effort into it, but dont get invested in it.

Welcome to the game. Its not going to change in any rank untill you get to masters-t500. Every game has throwers. Play around it. Competitive period is unplayable if you dont approach it with the right mindset. Play to win and learn and you will climb.

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In that case, the right mindset would definitely be Making a 6 stack team and get lucky if the enemy lines are gonna play like gold or plat levels of difficulty or they’re just gonna throw and derank to give us the win. Well, that’s how I’m seeing it as my point of view.

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True that sir. Been playing this scat show since the beta and every comp. placement has been suspect. Just placed 2300 with 10 wins in placement. I played well and filled cuz everyone picks DPS. Thought I was Platt for sure. I can’t take Blizz seriously. No one should. Their comp. placement is so flawed it shouldn’t be considered a metric for anything.

Feel free to witness it, you can win matches, but you’re practically solo queing against a team of gold and platinum teams. It’s on the SR between 500-800 is where all the fallouts are hanging.

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I don’t have a bronze account. Do I need to grind for one?? :sweat_smile:

Maybe that won’t be necessary :smile: I already have the video evidence I need to show, All I have to do is just edit and done. So I’m saving you the trouble haha.

Nice :smile::+1: I look forward to your montage

Seen it myself when the game dropped me to 1700 with absolutely horrible matches vs. smurfs for a few days straight.

Then suddenly the next day, it turned OFF. Then i got a massive string of the easiest games you could imagine. Like Bastion just running in the open, not healing while you shoot at him kind of matches.

At the same rank, i saw a streak of stomps against multiple smurfs and then suddenly the easiest games in my 3 years of playing.

After that, i knew for 100% certain that this game’s matchmaker was a rigged a** joke.


It’s Darwinism. The bottom of the food chain starts at gold. Anything under that might as well not exist. The smurfs keep it that way. They dont want bad players playing competitive. The irony is, without the bad players, the smurfs have nobody to bully.

I’m sorry but it would be almost impossible to smurf in bronze and stay there for any decent player lol. Like shooting fish in a barrel

I think you are trying to find reasons why you cant climb in wrong places. If i go to bronze, its physicaly impossible to stay there longer than few games, because if you perform good enough you will get massive sr bonus for wins and lose only little when losing. My advice is that you have to start focusing on yourself and get better, maybe even find coach. If you can record your games i can maybe help you myself, let me know.

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