Competitive ban for achievement disconnects

I got disconnected from multiple competitive matches on Xbox for getting achievements, and now I have a leaver penalty that keeps accruing. I accidentally got a leaver penalty I deserved because I forgot I was in queue and afkd, but the first disconnect that was my fault and I got an hour ban!

Is this going to persist on my account forever and continue to go up? I want to know now so I can just stop playing and putting in the time.

I have been disconnected from so many games for so many unreal reasons. Once I accidentally had my overwatch app close because I misclicked. The hilarious part of that one is that Quick Resume tried to resume the game and loaded into nothing.

I can’t believe that Blizzard can’t handle match reconnects. I’m not one to just trash companies or developers over bugs, but achievement disconnects? Getting booted for doing too well!

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