Competative Ranking System actually sucks

Rank sucks , about to quit this game of overwatch,

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They changed the Algo alot. Now instead of long queue times trying to find the 50% balance it just grabs whomever is close enough from the available pool of players.

This is why you see bronze in plat games. At that second the matchmaker looked to create a game it only found the bronze players close enough to the ranks of everyone else. Instead of waiting minutes to fill the queue it presses the start button right away.

The reason is long queue times does not sell battle passes. If players can only play 2 games a night they would not progress enough to want to purchase a battle pass.

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yes but you didnt bake a cake and made lemonade for the whole team during the match so the system evaluated you werent useful enough…also there was a smurf character that maybe played around 2 days before you on that same map so that totally reduced your ELO…and you didnt read baba vanga’s last book that thoroughly explains how this system works

winning 7/7 and expecting to move from bronze 5 to at least bronze 4 on ranking re-evaluation LOL get real son l2p

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does people being stuck at a rank no matter their effort or score help sell the battle pass?

Some players don’t care about rank. Only the shiny skins that playing the game gives you.

Also Blizzard has never cared about the quality of low ELO play. Why do they care if a bronze gets curb stomped. It’s been the status quo since OW1 with throwers and smurfs.

This is speculation but activision / blizzard has a matchmaking algorithm patent (approved in 2017) designed to sell microtransactions. Glixel reported on this. Also covered in YongYea youtube channel. They claim that they don’t use it but why research it then and hold a patent?

so their patent gets people stuck and makes them quit the game before they actually spend on the game? seems legit