Compensation Sombra Tweaks/Buffs

With the walk run speed, you’d probably need to adjust the invis multiplier for it because that’d make her significantly faster. But she should be moving as fast as them during the fight.

Mostly the skull icon and I’m down. That’s been needed for years now

Ok I like sombra but if she got these changes she would be too OP. I think maybe some of them but not all would be fair.

Being annoying or unfun is a ridiculous reason to try to nerf or destroy a character.
Since when is getting killed fun? Also Hack was never a 100% death sentence , contrary to what anti-Sombra forum trolls would spam all day.

If you just run up to one another and start shooting, sure. Sombra’s entire deal is that she can be invisible and choose her battles, though. You take on enemies form behind. Enemies who are distracted. You get the jump on them which forces them to make quick decisions which may include moving out of position or engaging you at a bad distance (e.g. widowmaker up close).

If you play correctly it’s not hard to win those battles.

I’m personally quite sad that just straight up nerfed her, she is one of my fav characters, that said I know a lot of people were asking for this.

My biggest complaint with her playstyle is her setup and downtime, it would be really interesting to see a different approach on translocator.

Maybe if Sombra could choose an ally to translocate to or perhaps just a healthpack prior to engagement. Maybe it would be too powerful, but something to minimise downtime would be excellent!

I have a suggestion I think.

Increasing her speed does adress that.

Thats exactly my point. In order for her to be able to win fights, she has to jump through so many hoops to try to be on even ground.

Other DPS characters, hit a few shots , enemy is dead.
Sombra , Be invisible, position yourself behind an enemy, hack the enemy, start shooting the enemy before they turn around, Hopefully get the kill.
But this doesn’t always work.
Hack 76, McCree, Reaper, etc, etc, they turn around and kill you no matter if they are hacked.

Sombra has to do all these things to try to get kills. Wasting time. Not being in fight with your team, etc.

My changes help her in all this. Its ridiculous all the things Sombra has to do to put her on a somewhat even ground to win fights with most of the other heroes.

I’m saying that increasing her damage and spread are not good ways to correct those issues. All you’ve done is make it so she has the same amount of downtime, but her engagements are more unbalanced. Sombra is already good at dealing damage if you have the accuracy, so increasing damage makes her more oppressive.

If you want to fix the issues, you have to find ways to reduce her downtime, not just make her stronger in the time slices in between.

Lets take away all her downtime. Run with your team engaging the enemy team just like a 76 or McCree would. Lets see how effective your version of Sombra does that you say deals good damage.

Yeah she does damage to brain-dead targets that let her shoot them from behind.
If you have competent players that turn around, dont care that they are hacked , can aim, and shoot her. She looses the fight or translocates away, more times than her killing her target.

There is a reason most Sombras kills are to Zens and Mercys.

Yes, she is. I do lots of damage on Sombra. Her biggest problem is not the amount, but the time she has to engagement. Heroes like Mcree and Soldier has long range damage and can sustain for a while in the safety of your team.

Technically by raising her speed her downtime is less.

I said spread, not speed.

I’m saying that one of the buffs op suggested, making her speed equal to Genji or tracer. So the downtime does go down.

But maybe I’m missing parts of the conversation here.

I’m at work so I could only skim

I said that damage and spread were the incorrect way to address her problems. I don’t have any issues with suggesting a movement speed bonus.

Right, I agree with that more or less. I’m still rooting for being able to stick translocator to walls and ceilings so it can be a badass engagement tool.


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Heck yeah you are baybeeeeee

Would be cool if she suck her translocator to a wall and when she translocated back to that wall she stuck to the wall like the enemy assassin from the Retribution event.

Reward her for getting the shot ready before she translocator, you know!