Comp ranking is broken

i get deranked right before i get reranked. my fiancée and i argued for hours about “you were a silver 2, or else i couldn’t have played with you” and i said “no, i was a bronze 4, it literally showed me a bronze 4 right before i got my new rank, and it put me at a bronze 2” mind you, my fiancée and i are playing together, he’s going up while i am going down…. i went my own way bc i couldn’t play w him anymore, i played alone and got 5 wins in a row… i went from a bronze 2 to a bronze 1…. i just want to play with my fiancée and his friends again, i used to be a comfortable gold player, but now i can’t even do anything with any of my friends. they’re all platinum.

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If you are losing with your partner and friends they need to change their playstyle a bit

i’m sorry, but that’s like super irrelevant. not even trying to be rude haha. losing isn’t the problem, the problem is doing really good and getting reranked improperly. i get demoted from a silver 5 to a bronze 5, then ranked a bronze 2. which makes absolutely no sense when nobody else is getting de ranked. i play alone, its no good either. it just de ranks me and ranks me back up.

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winning 5 games does not guarantee a rank up, so if you lose more that 5 games and then win 5 games you will be deranked

i don’t think you’re understanding, this is a common bug on all the forums. i just wanted to add to the list so maybe blizzard will notice it’s a reoccurring issues among the community.


If this is a bug then why are you arguing with ur partner about it lol?

because we didn’t know it was a bug, it was extremely confusing. so i came here, seen other people discussing it and came to the conclusion it’s a bug and not the players fault. (: thanks.

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you know that ranked is completely broken rn, so don’t need to be sad about it

who’s sad here??? are you trying to argue with me on a blizzard bug forum lmao. bye.

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Im sorry if I came out as rude, didn’t mean to :snowflake:

Assuming your win-loss ratio is positive, you might be experiencing the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. If you can, could you record your bugged rank adjustment, making sure that at some point in the video it shows your pre-adjustment rank, either from the queue menu or the career profile, and link that video to the thread? Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.