Comp on Alt. Controlls locked up and couldn't move. Got kicked for inactivity

As the title says. Was playing a comp game on an alt account. I enter game. Select Zarya and wait for match to start. Gates open I press “W” and my character wont move. Then I see that half of the UI for picking a character is still there and my pointer is free to move around while I can still see the reticle on my screen.

Things I could not do:
press WASD, or any ability cds
press ESC to change options
turn with camera

Things I could do:
press H to select another hero (which worked)

Thanks for -50 sr blizz

Things I tried to fix this issue:
ALT+ENTER to swap between windowed and fullscreen ( didn’t work)
NumLock didn’t do anything either
It only worked after the game kicked me for inactivity and I rejoined which is too late.