Comms and Comp?

Kudos on learning to deal with it (not being sarcastic either). I prefer my games without the toxicity. Like I said, every time I turn them on, in about a minute or so into the match, there are already toxic people yelling at people, telling them they need to switch when they are playing bad etc. Only time this doesn’t happen is if our team is steamrolling and with the teams I get matched with since role queue, it has been a huge cluster f.

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Yeah, I agree because it happens to me as well.

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I think there should be a que for using comms and a que for those who do not want to use comms.

Put that on the experimental card and see how people feel about it. People in comms who are too busy fighting to type out they are going to use grav and to please combo it, or to let people know when they are being backlined can now rely on each other to do so.

People not using comms can use their blessed eyesight and game sense, and The Force, to tell when those opportunities arise. (Yes, it was a jab at them even though I know some people just can’t stand the average comms experience, despite myself actually finding them to be relatively wholesome and even in severe loss or ‘toxic’ game they generally don’t get out of control.)

Makes no sense to mix people who do and do not want to use comms who just don’t mix with each others play-style. It’s not fair to put the two together and expect a cohesive experience and people who don’t use comms but somehow expect some form of communication in a team game by their team taking the time to type to them is asinine.

Should be two ques so each type of player can have those they prefer to play with and matches their game play.

The real problem comes down to difference in people and at times I have concerns over the sensitivity in some people who think someone asking them to do something or swap or asking for more focus on a shield or something is considered ‘toxic’.

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add some voicelines (like i allready suggested somewhere) and i’m in for it! :slight_smile:

I’d be interested to see how some perspectives on the subject would change if this was something that was implemented.

Que times would likely be destroyed again.

Pretty much this, yeah

99% of the time, nothing useful is said in comp maybe somewhere in diamond/masters there’s useful info being communicated but below that it’s often bad callouts which can be even more distracting and actually make you play worse.

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Nope. Comms are worthless at most ranks.

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Last time I tried VC I came down with a case of toxic ear syndrome. Definitely shouldn’t be required.

I recently gave those who say it’s not so bad the benefit of the doubt and have joined a few games when asked. It’s not as toxic as some might suggest it is. However it does not help my gameplay whatsoever. Sometimes it interrupts the flow of what I’m able to do in game

No. I win less listening generally, I get so distracted.

I think this is one people will always be split on. I find it really useful, but I also am shot calling a lot. I try not to use it for chatter. If Widow is not being contested and I know where she is then I need to make sure the team knows this as well. Has resulted in wins and comebacks many times. Plus, voice chat has helped me in forming synergy with the team many times before. It really, like real life, depends on the type of people that get mixed up together and the type of day those people are having.

Not that I haven’t had bad experiences… Just not enough worth me to not use a tool that benefits me, in experience.

it’s good for shot calling but I make people freak out sometimes when I just tell them to focus on the game.

I do love listening to people being angry and some of the dumb things people say(why I go on this forum generally) because I have pretty intense schadenfreude.

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Especially if it’s an ironic circumstance. I know personally I can put screeching and toxicity (actual toxicity. I listened to these two girls be so catty to each other the other night and use language worse than I’ve heard some of the truckers use at the mill I work at) behind me but not everyone can do that. I don’t get triggered too often but if someone’s outright being a total jerk, especially if its to someone who definitely does not deserve it, then I am going to get loud and give them a taste of their own medicine as long as I have something about their poor gameplay I can point out as a clapback.

Never got to stand up to bullies when I was young or IRL. More than happy to do it now, if warranted. So personally, for me, one way or the other I get something out of it; a good game and comm experience or a way to vent my unyielding rage on some poor soul who was just asking for it… and I have a lot of unyielding rage.

If it’s just shrieking 14 - 25 year olds (I’m 32, maybe that’s my problem) I can put it behind me because I was the same way when I was younger and they’re probably having a good time with it.

Yes definitely!

It is bizarre sometimes how triggered people get if you use reason “ok guys usefule callouts we wanna kill the red team not each other” WELLL IF SO AND SO WOULD SWITCH and then they go on a tirade and everyone starts freaking out.

I’ve had someone with emotional problems pull a knife on me in my home and reacted with less emotion than these people get over a game. I really dont understand how they handle real life problems lol.

I think that’s just the reason why, and that goes back to me being able to stand up to asinine people in game who are treating others poorly in hypocrisy vs being way more passive and tolerant IRL. I don’t LIKE to act that way, even if it feels good… But being online absolutely makes it way easier to grab the bull by the horn and say “nah dawg I’m letting my inner demons out now” whether they are good, bad, neutral or an unintended mix of them all.

At the same time I grew up with arguing parents and a lot of moving and having no sense of who I was or self… So I’m sort of accustomed to being in the thick of it. I know sometimes the people yelling have just had the WORST day, or might not do it often, if ever. I know some people are also just out to not care and be a jerk, when IRL they might be the nicest person you’ve ever met.

That’s the problem with the human condition; inconsistency. I just can’t blame people for being upset sometimes… But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna let them put it on someone who doesn’t deserve to be their punching bag.

Cant pay me to listen to the abuse, bad mics, heavy breathing, singing, music being played etc

No, but I would let you pay me to contribute to the team and love the other 50% - 99% of voice com experiences that are not as bad.

That’s my gripe… For some people it seems that every single round they play is like that. I hate that it is my personal experience, but I genuinely don’t get that often at all, and that’s years of playing OW.

Not trying to like, persuade you or anything… but I genuinely feel people make it out to be more prominent or a bigger problem than it really is, in terms of volume. At the same time I know some people have had it worse… I guess I just don’t like how black and white some people make it seem.

Nah, I don’t think I will join vc. I actually leave all the chat and text channels.

So let me ask this, to the people who refuse to use VC…

What do you do to make up for the loss in communication?
Do you understand that there are people who will have great coms, not abuse it and gain synergy from one another… and now you’re a part of the problem, potentially?

How do you make up for that, or is it simply “I don’t care”?

I am not trying to make people feel guilty or anything like that… I just feel if you are going to take something away from your team that could potentially hugely benefit from your presence in coms, what are you providing instead? Just clarity of mind in your personal gameplay?

Like, it genuinely can be a 50/50 scenario where you are the one now being a detriment to your team… For just as many problems that you are escaping by applying a blanket-approach to not using comms… you could be causing them too.

Again, I am not trying to claim comms are required. I openly understand and admit some people play better, overall, without the distraction. I just want to know what the rest of the thought process is for the flipside of things. Is it for the benefit of your team, or is it just for you not having to do something you don’t wanna do while playing in a competitive match?

know what I mean? I hope that doesn’t come off as elitist or something.