Come see for yourself

Oh sadge…
Wait I’ll reduce the resolution!

PS: there you go!


If you could convert the image in Mario Paint it’d be super <3


That I cannot do sadly, sorry. :frowning:


You’re playing a close/mid range hero (Hanzo) outside of his useful range (considering your aptitude).

You’re not even on an off-angle.

You’re on a full on flank and not doing anything to help your tank on point or any of your other teammates.

Then again… Rigged game is rigged, I guess… :woman_facepalming:t2:

Rien has his back to you and you activate storm arrow after he turns away from you

  • You have 2 seconds (I counted) to activate storm arrow before he turned and storm arrow only takes 1 second to fire 4 (out of 5) shots.

That is the least of his issues.

He does not play the game, at all. He afk’s and emotes 90% of the game until the inactivity timer kicks in. Just like Receipts. They play exactly the same.

He throws every game he Q’s in. No wonder he is losing that much. Everyone would lose if they played exactly like he does.


Rigged game is rigged because it doesn’t remove bad apples from the community.


You’re not watching ALL games. I play PLENTY of games where I’m full-out trying, but it doesn’t matter. I can literally stay in spawn or get 4 golds and the result is exactly the same – complete and utter stomp. ZERO chance of winning. EVER.

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I did not join in the moment you started streaming, so do not know when you started streaming, but did stay until the end, and watched it until the end.

Even wrote to you in chat on Twitch to stop going afk and to play the game. You are doing literally nothing. You just spam the same stuff every time you enter the match. You even annoyed your own teammates and the enemy.

I will go through your stream one more time from the beginning and post it here, every win you have gotten and your afk and spam posting in chat.

Comment on your actual gameplay when you do play is not worth commenting. You are a huge troll just like your friend Receipts.


The sweet little lies… We got the new Todd Howard here!
Dude, you’re literally producing video material proving that you lie.
Please stop, this is just ridiculous and sad to see.

h ttps://
h ttps://


You guys shouldn’t be feeding the troll.


Reporting doesn’t work, he’s still here trolling and spamming.
At least let us have some fun. :cry:


The op desperately wants attention if he’s constantly trolling on the forum.


Actually ethernet isn’t trolling at all. I have watched the stream. They did not get a single win.

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Gotta buy some glasses cause I posted two clips of him winning from today’s stream.
I hope you didn’t decide to start trolling too!
Or maybe you mean he didn’t deserve to win? :thinking:


You must be watching a different stream.

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Oh man, you could be right!
Must for sure be another Ethernyet with a gold bordered account, that spams in match that the game is not winnable and complains about getting GM gods on the enemy team!
Damn, how could I have not thought about that possibility…
Thanks for the tip bro! :+1:


Yeah that’s someone else.

How are we defining “winning”.

Information > Fake news



That’s always been one of the issues. No matter how many times I tell people that freak accidents (statistical anomalies, complete outliers) don’t count as “wins”, they don’t listen. And no matter how many times I tell people I’m talking about solo queue, they don’t listen. All they want to do is attack me personally because their experience is different and therefore mine can’t possibly be true.

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5204 statistical anomalies. Amazing.