CMV: if we nerf Dva, the power vacuum left behind is better for the game

I definitely want substitutes that make the comps she checks viable against her, or substitutes that can discourage her use, i.e. a viable hog, but we’re looking at 2 new offtanks+hog if they are to be balanced. That’s going to be a very long time, and imo nerfing Dva and substituting in DPS makes more sense.

Exactly. You’d just have Winston / Zarya / Hog comps. That’s all. Heck, you might have that anyway after the Hog buffs, at least for a little while. Some people are dying to play more Roadhog. And he’ll be stronger for sure.

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It’s not indicative of a problem, it’s an indication that she’s versataile in a pro environment. She does several jobs at a decent level without excelling at them, same as Zen, which means she’s easy to build into several different comps.
You haven’t provided a single good argument as to what should be nerfed and why. It seems to be your very own personal crusade against the character, and not one out of genuine concern for the balance of the game.


I’m thinking the Reaper, Hog, Sym (and upcoming bastion changes) will take a toll on Goats. Or at least I’m hopeful

It doesn’t make more sense. D.Va is balanced. She covers more niches than other off-tanks because she covers them less bad than them, not because she’s good at them. It’s like a square hole with a round peg, but D.Va’s peg is a little bit oblong and you can brute force it.


How about a big fat nope to role Que.

its a shame no one agrees with us

You have not rebutted the fact that I pointed out that you seek to halve D.Va’s DPS. I bring to the stand GM Overbuff stats saying that Zarya does more damage per game than D.Va by more than 1000.


It’s coming. Not soon, but eventually. I bet we see it announced by this time next year.

Please, no. The mains have finally quieted down. If they change her, they will throw tantrums again. mains are just as bad as Mercy mains and we’ll have both flooding the forums again.

Can y’all stop with this stigmatization? We were fine after her last nerf. Thanks.


We already have lfg. Theirs no need for a role Que.

oh dear god your right let this post disappear my ears cant take more punishment

The game would improve immensely if we just removed doomfist, genji and tracer from this game, but we can’t all get what we want.

Objectively no, the game would not improve, it would just leave tanks incapable of defending themselves against the increased dps spam like Hanzo and the tanks would finally die out as endangered species. Not just the meta composition GOATS, tanks in general.

I disagree. And it’s OK for us not to see eye to eye. I understand why you would be hesitant.

I just happen to believe that it will eventually happen and will be good for the game overall. And honestly, I think once it is here and the fuss dies down people will really like it.

Yeah you right in hesitant about role Que and yeah it’s okay for to dosaggree.

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Possibly, but none are cookie cutter solutions to every map.

Because nerfing her kit is tricky, and her power is fairly well distributed; this is probably why the devs are reluctant to do things- the booster damage nerf always struck me as being rather arbitrary.

I’d start by varying the DM parameters, maybe .25 seconds off the total meter or a slightly longer cooldown after use. The idea is to make DM unable to singlehandedly check many of the otherwise viable comps.

Imo the game would be better teams had to choose which niches they want covered. You’d have to swap to exploit enemy holes and also to cover your own.

Yes. So we should introduce more tanks that can cover different and distinct niches, rather than nerfing a balanced hero.


If you wanted to break GOATs through an off tank, nerf Zarya. Without Zarya, Rein is super exploitable.

Although I’d much rather we somehow reduced healing in GOATs.

That is the better solution, but do we really want to wait until 2021 for that?