*Clears Throat* MERCY

Wow… How Barbaric

All those Mercy threads are quit disappointing.
Talking that much about her will lead nowhere.

you forgot 4.

Blizzard absolutely hates touching that hero at all now since everything they do causes some sort of backlash, even when it’s desperately needed.

[i hope u figured out i was being sarcastic cause the person i quoted keeps using reddit as source for anything and everything, i really laughed at your reply tho x) ]

[frick, sorry for the friendly-fire. this forum is a dumpster-fire half the time, can’t tell friend from foe anymore. thanks for the laugh, though!]

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  1. These threads get old, but…
  2. These threads are inevitable, because Mercy is an unfortunate convergence of factors:
  • She is easy-to-play for novices and casual players
  • She is aesthetically designed to be enjoyed by a sizable subset of gamer who wants to play attractive, female, “good,” healers.
  • This subset of gamer tends to also be casual
  • She was really really strong for a long time
  1. Due to the above factors, there is absolutely nothing Blizzard can do to Mercy (good or bad) without pissing off a whole lot of people.

Edit: I’m not feeling sorry for Blizzard. They did it to themselves. Very stupid decisions.

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I don’t think any Mercy player actually posts to buff Rez… most say to remove it or make it back on an ult which is a nerf. Less up time and more risk involved is a nerf.

A buff means it’s better and easier to pull off.

Give Mercy a Barrel Roll during Guardian Angel.

Maybe it’s for increased mobility…maybe it heals people below her with healing glitter.

I can’t remember any Mercy mains that wanted Single Rez as an Ult with 1.75sec cast time.

Because people got all huffy that she ruined their “omeglawl ult”, here is the sad truth about the community, if a hero beats their favorite hero they are OP and need to be nerfed and they will throw a tantrum until they are but then when they get nerfed they join the sheep squad of “GG Blizz you made this hero so weak they are a troll pick”

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No one has asked for that because why on earth would reviving ONE dude require nearly identical drawbacks to Deadeye which can (with a whole lot of luck) floor an entire team? Also no one likes the slow and cast time. There’s a reason why it got the moniker “Statue Mode”.

Because game balance for all characters isn’t an achievable goal and Blizzards makes buffs, nerfs and new characters in order to change the meta game and keep Overwatch fresh just as much as it does to address a particular win rate or mechanic, so one character being dominant for a year is a legitimate argument against Mercy and the “fun” counter argument is subjective and an attempt to derail the issue into an emotional appeal for a revert when said revert would only ruin Mercy now that she’s a competitive tournament character and the rest of the support cast has been rebalanced according to her current rework.

She’s an inherently boring character and unfun for the majority of the player base who HAD to play her instead of Ana, Lucio or Moira, let her take her turn on the bench or get nerfed again.

Well, it’s just hard for me to take comments like “Moving Rez to an Ult would be weaker” seriously.

Because you know they never actually mean it.

Sweet! Hope to see you , and have a great day.

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Because Valk be boring AF.

ok how about this idea for Rez:

Rezzed player starts as a ghost and has to attack enemy to get to life, the damage he/she did to the enemy/s converts to health
there is timer when you have to attack to get to life, if you do not attack in that time you die

it would be weaker over all because suddenly using it every 30 seconds becomes something of god tier level play and is a symbol of having popped off.
that alone makes it weaker and then just screw around with the charge rate and boom over and done with.
of course as long as we can get rid of the slow and widen the range you can travel after casting I’ll take the cast time

Either way, I’m okay with a single rez on an Ult meter, with low or no cast time.

It’s just that it’s not really a net nerf, it’s a power shift.

Overall neutral or a slight buff depending on the specifics.

Hero reliant on ult = very haard to be above B lister
this can be seen in Mercy 1.0 whom pro’s certainly didn’t like and everyone above diamond considered a troll pick