Chengdu Hunters vs. London Spitfire - FINAL

Some food for thought:

Seoul won because the coaching staff allowed the players to play the heroes they are known for, and as a consequence Seoul was able to take down the Shanghai Dragons, who is arguably one of the top teams in the league right now.

Chengdu tried to put Ameng on Orisa and he was picked off first every time by London on Lijiang.

I get that you should be versatile with different heroes, especially in the age of hero pools and role lock, but there is a reason why most players have a certain hero that they “main”…because they know the ins and outs of that hero to the point where they can play it WELL.

What in the bleep is Chengdu doing?

A second Charlie Niner this morning…and that’s the second snowman’s head to go flying!

Hanzo is going to be banned next week at this rate.

Although is really good at Mei.

London is winning this match at a Glistering pace

After Map 2


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Death, taxes, and Mei being a thorn in the side of everyone. Three things you can always count on.

Although makes Mei look disgusting even despite the nerfs.

Wait, there was nerfs to Mei? What were the changes?

Cos if there were nerfs, then apparently they are being…ineffective…

It was part of the CC changes.


Endothermic Blaster (Primary Fire)

Freeze stun duration lowered from 1.5 to 1.3 seconds


Duration lowered from 5 to 4.25 seconds

I don’t remember all of the nerfs, nor do I have the patch notes ready on hand, but I remember there was a slight nerf to her initial slow, a nerf to the ammo consumption on her primary fire, and there was a nerf to Blizzard on experimental card, but I don’t remember if that change went through or not.

Makes a mad dash to open the Battlenet app so he can view these CC changes

I’ll save you some time:

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Okay I just got done washing out my eye and walking the dogs… why is there a 8 minute break?

Tech issues. (edit: wait, it’s 6 am)

Lmao, all that time to fix whatever technical issues cropped up…and Jake somehow lost his mic in the process.

Jinmu should Duplicate Mei and get two Blizzards.

Final Score


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Who’s going to be awake for the NA matches in 7 hours?

Ya’ll sleep yet? TOO BAD! We got more OWL!