Cheese is faaar too strong

You don’t play bastion you don’t like the character yet your advocating to rework him. That’s disgusting.

Literally flank with Ana, sleep the bastion, your team charges, you toss in anti nade for good measure and unless your team is braindead its an easy win

the only thing disgusting is you :smiley: just cause i don’t play him i need to play against him! and i played him… alot actually.

Cheese Comps rely on the enemy team’s incompetence, trickling-in, and disorganization in order to be effective.

Try grouping up or switching or to a burst-damage heavy Team-Comp to make them weep and run.

~ PyroPanda

and burst dmg again being too good :smiley:

Man I really don’t like fighting zen. His discord is unfun. I have to play around it He might need a rework.

Not really

Burst damage will always have a place

But those who provide burst damage will always have a weakness

so it balances out

just that zen has healthy pick and winrates. Bastion is never picked and doesn’t have good winrates, he is right now the wors tof the cheese heroes. Your not really comparing anything. And a info, just cause i play zen alot on this account doesn’t mean i main him :wink: But you as cheese player, you just want to defend your cheese.

right now its the best place, nothing can compete :wink: thats why soldier and other non burst arent really good right now.

Hanzo sure trades off for that storm arrow ability. Except no he actually doesn’t.

i would argue that his normal bows are too weak against storm arrow, and the different shoot speeds off your aim, so changing it isn’t that bad.

I too call out any strats I don’t know how to work around cheese

But yeah if we get rid of all the niche hero’s to give them healthy win rates and pickrates this would become a very boring game

just that what i said is cheese :smiley: yours not. But as Sym player you need to defend cheese

Hm? Isn’t that a little contradictory? The burst damage heroes are pretty much all projectile :o

Mcree, Widow, Ashe…

Mccree and Ashe aren’t exactly dominate right now though and both suffer from fall-off, especially Mccree.

they dominate there dps counters, not the meta :slight_smile: so yes they aren’t too strong in itself.

What did you even say? If your losing to “cheese” you just need to get better though. The hero’s you have difficulty fighting have very large weaknesses you could exploit

taht seems like more then anyone else these heroes don’t show their weakness or could it be that their weekness aren’t taht big?

We are talking about bastion right? Lol

oh i was switching to all these cheese hereoes.

Regarding Bastion, he needs changes cause his winrate is weak and his pickrate, and no it’s not exactly ok that a char is that bottom tier