Cheese is faaar too strong

It’s looking like lactose intolerance is starting to become a bit of a forum epidemic.


A simple Pharmercy combo will generally deal with all that and doesn’t exactly take high-tier teamwork. Hanzo puts in work against them all too.

eh that’s usually countered by being completely not alone or on a non mobile hero and alone

Yea, cheese does have a too strong taste…

Hey, it’s not cheese team’s fault they can work together and your team can’t.

If you guys spent less time getting pissy in chat and solo hunting that dastardly Reaper, and more time coordinating, you’d crumble the hell out of the ‘cheese’.


its funny that all counter to this is brust dmg, thats why burst heroes are so much better right now. And hitscans are better then projectile cause they are more reliabel. This things need to get looked at, we hurt ourself by letting so strong heroes only get counterd by burst dmg.

Yeah just that they need not really much team play… Your forced to play around bastion or you already lost…

Yeah so a low pickrate justifies removing a character to replace with a more optimal one. Just git gud.

But then those countetr-strats of the counter-strats that you just buffed would need to be buffed as well and now you’re stuck in a loop.

I don’t think the age rating on the game is high enough for that.

Taht thing makes no sense, just get gud for a hero that is bottom tier since release… and you say “Get gud” …

it’s only screws and Metals :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean pulled off from payload.

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Well that’s your first mistake any hero can make it to any rank with enough skill.

You just need skill lol

It might be harder but what’s wrong with that

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no, they don’T :smiley: the counter strats to pirate ship are bad against 2-2-2 or 3 dps.

that they win just for being them. Look at their winrates, but bastion isn’t even that good for that D:

Win just for being them, have been bottom tier since launch make up your mind

both can be true and isn’t actually contricting anything i said. Look at the winrate and the pick rate, low pick rate and high winrate… That’s cause they are hard to coutner when played but no one wants to play them.

No that is a very contradictory statement. If a character just wins for picking them guess what’s going to fill up gm(where people care more about the win than anything).
But those characters don’t fill up gm because they have weaknesses and don’t just win. That’s why they aren’t top tier. Just learn to deal with those matchups

And niche matchups also have other reasons that can explain a higher winrate. They are typically much more comfortable fighting their matchups and standard comps while other people have a lot less experience fighting a rarer character

no its not, otherwise they wouldn’t have the best winrate in the game.

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That attitude got sym reworked and her pickrates dropped, same with mercy

Well if you want the winrate to decrease just learn the matchups and stop complaining

Git gud

It just seems like you would want a rework not because you enjoy bastions playstyle but because you don’t want to have to deal with how bastion plays

The counter start for pirate ship is a flanking Ana or hog that tells you when bastion is stunned so your team can engage

So, your saying the same as me :smiley: you really feel yourself better then everyone else or for just disagreeing. The thing is, they are in every rank the best winrate by far, its not just get gud, its also them being too good when picked, but unpopular.

no its not…

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