Check Your Stats, Folks

I’ve written a previous post related to this, and while I don’t want to spam, I hope the more we communicate the issue, the more likely it is to be addressed. Wishful thinking, I know.

Please check your stats, friends.

I realize a lot of people are having this issue, but more are unaware than aware it seems. In my case, my competitive stats aren’t counting, and it may be affecting the ranking system in my opinion. Could be totally wrong on that. I have about a day’s worth of hours in competitive apparently, and it says I only have one hour out of two characters- the other character having no stats at all.

Some others I’ve seen have said their stats are decreasing as well. Which is just absurd to me that it can even happen to begin with.

Recently, in a tweet reply by Blizzard Customer Support, they mentioned that it’s a “Known Issue, Being Worked On.” so I guess that’s a glimmer of hope.

If I’m to be completely and utterly honest with you, I would rather have the game taken offline for a few days, be worked on thoroughly, and then put back. I think it would be a better solution than pumping out a sporadic patch that works only for a day or two.

If anyone from Blizzard or a Dev sees this, which I honestly would doubt, PLEASE communicate with your player base better. It would make a world of difference/ease some minds with knowing what all you’re currently doing and what all you’re addressing.


Thank you!


Also having this issue…


100% agree yes. Havent been playing this game for 10 days because of this. I lost like 900 hours on my total played time and all my heroes playtime are messed up because of this issue.


Have the exact same problem lost 600 hours worth of stats over the course of a few days somehow. Was all gradual as well, was normal when I first started playing then went down 200 hours one day, then 2 days later down another 300.