Check if area/effect takes damage?

Kinds of problems I want to solve (without using dummy bots):

  • register if damage is done to a sphere effect
  • register if damage is done to the payload
  • create an effect on the ground where damage was done

Is there a way to check whether an area has been affected by a damage effect? Or check if a damage effect is passing through an area?

For hitscan powers, I could use ray tracing, but what about projectiles or area of effect weapons/abilities?

Is there a way to get information about what vector/region of space/etc an area effect is connecting with, like Lucio’s healing or Junkrat’s explosions?

Its a bit hard since damage can only be registered with Players/Bots, for hitscans you can work with raycast hit position and chasing variables since there is no actual trajectory with physics applied. When the raycast hits the Sphere which should be the end vector position and the start vector (Players Eye Position) is evaluating to the end vector you can register it as hit target with a boolean value.

once the new patch comes out you could force the position of dummy bots to the edges of the area and make them invisible. Really ugly solution and perhaps time consuming (depending on the shape of the area). Maybe it would work. But yea, as ArcanaXXi said, it’s really hard, probably impossible.

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You can do it right now already using teleport and gravity 0, the only problem is hitbox…