Cheaters in overwatch

Say’s the person with the cheating invis battletag


This is not an aimbot in any way, plus aimbotting with projectile heroes is actually extremely useless.

The boosted dude is just an alt account of someone’s, he’s literally aiming normally.
It’s easily seen as normal aim.

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It’s not cheating 100%

MZQNJS rly? are u ok? XD do u rly think that he is legit? 3:44


He’s flicking, no use of aimbot.

If it were to be a lock-on aimbot then it would look of course blatant.

If it were one that would snap on before shooting, then of course extremely snappy which is not the case here.

If there were an aimbot active at 3:44 then said user would have hit their shots, this is clearly a smurf with good mechanical aim making use of flick movements.

Im lucky. I havent seen a cheater yet or if I have they are doing a good job faking it.

This is not true. It’s not uncommon for players to use aimbots with Hanzo or Zennyatta, and I even saw footage of a player use an aimbot as Mercy believe it or not… :man_shrugging:

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Depending on how well the cheat is created and what kind of projectile it is then it can be of help.

Fast moving projectiles, sure.
Though with Junk it really doesn’t help much.

Wait this isn’t the thread related to Junk projectile, just a second.

I don’t even know why i talked about projectile aimbotting, though since OP has linked an actual timestamp it helped since it redirected me more to a widow fragment.

Yea he’s aimbotting. Watching it in normal speed, you can see when he tracks the D.Va, it looks slightly choppy. Then he suddenly just headshots the Ana even tho he wasn’t looking at her lol… Also watch it at .25 speed.

Another spot you can tell he’s cheating is at 4:39 - put it at 0.25 speed then at normal speed and see how choppy his cursor gets while trying to track the enemy.

I haven’t checked the vods but projectile aimbots absolutely exist. Most projectiles are fast enough for the travel time to be practically non existant in most engagement ranges.

in the vid you linked, say “you can see him aiming through walls”

lol, yeah, he is, because he saw the mei with sonic and then he saw the rein going through train, of course he gets ready to shoot where he expects them to be based on the knowledge he got

I never said it didn’t exist though.

Depending on what kind of projectile it can be useful, though then again it also depends on range.

0.25 looks sus - YouTube Do u rly still think that he is playing without cheats?

Yes this user is flicking.

Well it does look a bit snappy, though i don’t feel this is an aimbot.
Otherwise it would be disguised well.

It would be way more headshots if it were an aimbot, seeing the user miss shots whilst making the same movements shows that it’s flicking for me.

Projectile aimbots don’t need to predict trajectory perfectly, they can modify outgoing packet traffic to say the hit connected when it didn’t. This in conjunction with a close trajectory and some reticle movement to make it more confusing results in a relatively difficult to observe experience.


It’s snappy because it’s aimbot… Look how he tracks the Dva as she flies out, then just magically headshots the ana lol.


It’s called having awareness of your surroundings.

If you know you can kill a lower HP ana then take your chance instead of shooting at tanks.

Flicking is a good thing innit.

That’s not flicking tho. It’s aimbot.


You think what you want.