Cheated by Twitch

I’ve been watching streams for 4 hours to try ang get an OW2 beta key and finally got mine. It got auto-claimed, and I went to my launcher and waited a bit for it to show, seeing as most of my friends that got it said it took a few minutes to get theirs. After about 30 minutes, I go to twitch to see if I maybe forgot to claim it somehow. I come to find out that my twitch was connected to an old username of mine and not my current one. I still even now don’t have my key and I don’t know what to do at this point. I just really want to play OW2 and I feel like I was cheated by twitch.

If that old username has OW then why not just use it?

It’s not a name that is used anymore. It’s not like an old account or anything. Twitch still had my old username in it’s system even though it’s a name that isn’t used anymore, yet it still is counted as an account.

try disconnecting it and reconnecting. i have heard of it working for a few people

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Probably would be wise to double check next time too. I did, and I’m glad I did because I was connected to a different account.

The issue is it isn’t another account, it’s on old username. This shouldn’t be something that could even happen.

If it’s the same account but with a name change, then just try the disconnect/connect tip. If not, you changed the name, that’s not on Twitch to keep track of usernames for a different company. Since you knew that you had a name change, you should have checked that first.

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That’s your fault for not double checking the account it was set too.

It’s still connected. I have Twitch Prime and also claimed the free lootboxes. I was worried about the same thing, but learned it’s due to the delay.

I noticed my linked twitch account was the older name to my battlenet account (I changed it, clearly).

However, I claimed the lootboxes, and they arrived immediately to my account. Still waiting for the beta access.

Cheated by Twitch

More like cheated by yourself, considering you’re the one who would have linked your old name to your account, not twitch themselves lol.

oh dam i never changed my twitch name and i first streamed back in 2017 (havnt streamed in 2 years) so yea that may be another technical issue maybe. i thought some people who were saying they changed their name it was with battlenet… it might be on the twitch end