Characters you would play but don't because of their aesthetic/personality

How dare you, zarya is amazing, I love her voicelines and she is russian which alone meets the minimum for good personality.

For me, probably pharah, no personality at all.
I mean, just look at her “at ease” voiceline, I use it all the time because it’s such a garbage plain voiceline.

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Sombra, I’d love to play her but she is so irritating that I just plain out ignore her. Dealing with an enemy sombra is so satisfying, I love it when I stall her hack or when I land a flashbang right at her when she’s trying to get away. I won’t lie, I just enjoy killing sombras and outplaying them in general.
She’s just such an irritating kind of a hero who has such a loud mouth. (And she picks on my Boi Reaper!)
Whenever I’ve played her, I’ve played her as if I am a predator (like I play Doomfist). I wait for the perfect moment to strike, hunting and stalking my prey. Just when that Support main gets left off or behind or even close to the edge… I emerge from the shadows (or the ledge as DF) and remind them that they were not aware of their surroundings.
Predator sound effect intensifies

For this kind of gameplay, fear is the greatest motivator. But Sombra’s arrogant and over confident personality just ruins it for me… thus I play Doomfist :sunglasses:
Her voice literally hurts.

Might as well throw in that i don’t like how much Zarya’s lifting career is focused on in voicelines, emotes, cosmetics, all of it. Don’t get me wrong, its really cool, but she has a lot more interesting things going on like her military service and connections to omnics; and she’s not even that strong compared to the cyborgs, robots, mechs, gorillas, etc she shares the roster with.

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God I hope so because he actually used to give me nightmares

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I find Dva to be annoying and pandering, her character backstory is high level bull. I’m also not fond of the VA work.

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^ This.

I mean, I admit liking the character helps, but it really doesn’t contribute to if I’ll play them or not.

It’s all about the mechanics / fun factor and how much I sync with their kits. Gameplay first. :stuck_out_tongue:

Reinhardt, for one.

His personality isn’t bad – I quite like him in that aspect. But he’s a jacked, hulking grandpa wearing a bulky suit of armor. None of those are bad things, but to me, they aren’t appealing. Aesthetics wise I just can’t hang.

Also, Zenyatta.

I just don’t like how the omnics look in general. I have about 9 hours of playtime on him because I figured I should try him out, since I main support characters. His personality isn’t even a turn off, its just that whole omnic thing.

Those are really the only 2 that fall into the camp of “I would play them, but their designs/personalities aren’t appealing.” Most of the tanks fall into that category for me actually. The only tanks that I really like are and the occasional Orisa because they are both cute. (And even then, Orisa is only someone that I usually only pick against my will).

I avoided Roadhog for a while in year one because of his persona.

Just seemed like a boring ‘big shotgun guy’. Sometime later however, I gave him a shot and ended up really loving his character haha – the hook mechanics felt so fresh at the time, too!

At the moment, I enjoy and play all heroes, though!

I play Zarya so I never have to look at her god awful skins. If I am unlucky enough to have an ugly Zarya on my team [I only like her winter skins,weightlifters, and Xuanwu skins] I stand in the back so I have to look at her as little as possible.

As far as I don’t enjoy playing, I’m going to have to go with Tracer. I don’t like her obnoxiously positive attitude and she is disgustingly naive for a near 30 year old.

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I like Moira’s personality as is, but I like your drawings better than the current models! :slight_smile:

That’s really cool! Something about that hairstyle makes her look even more Irish! Maybe because it extenuates the red? Either way, love it.


Baptiste, the most boring, uninspiring, lack of imagination and dud character in a while.

At least Doomfist, Brig, Hammy and Ashe all have distinct personalities you can see the love they put into them.

Zarya. Her kit is interesting, but for me her personality and design looks like just an empty shell filled with cliche phrases and stereotypes.

I also play a lot of D.Va, but it would be better if she wasn’t such a Mary Sue character. Aside from that - I like OW characters.

Probably Doomfist for me. His kit may be interesting, but I hate his voice so much it hurts, lol.

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One of Tracer’s voice lines is ''Last one there’s a rotten egg!´ no-one above 8 years old says this. Cringe.

I would definitely play a lot more roadhog and orisa if wasn’t for their hideous look.

Personality wise I can’t stand tracer and mei. The acting is good but their lines are so cringey.

For a long time I felt that way with Junkrat, but I’ve come to completely embrace him.

Hog is a character I still struggle with, but I’m slowly warming up to him.

I find Tracer cringe but Mei pulls it off, I find her sincere and believable

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The ice puns are too much for me and even though she seem believable she is just come out being annoying.

Soldier? Maybe?

He is my least played hero and I’m not too keen on his design. But nothing about his kit is distinctly unappealing to me.

Although aesthetic has never really been a factor for me.

I mean, I have both Hamtaro and Trump’s Arch Nemesis in my main line-up; I’m not all that picky on looks.