Characters you would play but don't because of their aesthetic/personality’s Mickey Mouse gloves ruin it for me.

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I like to play alot of different characters. hero tho that i can see my self playing alot or have as back up are doomfist, widow torb. mostly because i dislike these characters and i am bad with them except for doomfist. I just dislike the hell out of him dont ask me why.

I dislike a lot of the outwardly cheery characters (Tracer, Lucio, etc.)

They give off a sort of… Emotional Uncanny Valley.
Only animatronics act like they do.


None, but there are certainly characters I’d like to play because of how they look but can’t because I suck.

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Shame. It’s Moira’s lanky dramatic appearance, and overconfident nature that drew me to the character in the first place. Nothing like some heartfelt disgust to contrast the optimism of the rest of the cast. Probably my favorite hero design in the whole game. Surprisingly, sarcastic cynics are some of the most fun people I’ve hung out with.

The hero I have some issue with is Zarya. I love her bubble mechanic, but sometimes I feel like the mechanics are all there is to the hero. Her personality is often pretty generic to me, with all her emotes pretty much just her flexing, and all her voicelines references to her being Russian.


Of course not, no haircut would ever offend me, I just really dislike her visual design and personality, was just answering OPs question. We all have preferences and looks/styles we like/dislike and I am glad we can share our views with others


Oh thank god. Some people do get offended by that (anything) and I’m glad you’re not one of them. Again, good job on the manip, it honestly is incredibly well done.

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No one really. The closest I could think of would be Zenyatta maybe? But that’s much less an actual dislike of his aesthetics/personalty and more how they end up making his game-play feel. Oh, wait, right, Baptiste’s a thing now so him for sure.

Looks certainly help (I’m as shallow as they come) but really, Overwatch generally (sans Baptiste >_>) has good character designs and even the “ugly” heroes have their charms. Game-play and how the hero feels is far more important.

Thanks, I really have wanted to make more long hair edits because I find them fun and a peek into ‘what if’ scenarios for certain heroes, like I wanna make one of long haired Tracer or Brig without her ponytail or same for Mercy but these kinda things always seem to rile up people and get some of them angry for some reason


Oh. Wow, your version is a lot better. I would actually still play her if she looked like that.

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this is true. zarya needs some character development.


I almost feel like she needs RE-development at this point. She only has one emote that doesn’t involve her flexing or smashing something in some way, and only one voiceline that isn’t a Russia or exercise reference.

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That looks excellent. If I could, I’d replace default Moira with that. Though I like the short hair look on Blackwatch Moira, so I’d probably keep that one the same

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It looks amazing but I don’t think it suits Moira’s personality, the long hair at least. Removing the eye-plate is a huge improvement in my opinion but the long hair takes away from her character in the sense that she’s meant to be an anomaly and her appearance is supposed to show that.

That being said, I love the blue instead of the purple.


lucio, tracer, soldier, zarya

I think an attractive Moira is a bit polarizing to some people because she was meant to be an apalling and uncomfortable character (which drew many people to her), and being physically attractive acts counter to that. I’m sure other heroes with long hair would be much less controversial. I’d personally love to see a long haired Brigitte!


Probably Sym cuz she a c word

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I think Roadhog’s supposed passion for violence is just talk, overcompensating for the fact that he’s secretly an animal-loving vegan. There’s a lot of evidence of this in his sprays and emotes.

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tbh I’ve moved past this, largely because of mystery heroes, but before then it’d be junkrat. Not a huge fan of the explosive manic archetype to begin with and JR looks like the “give me attention” type to boot.

If I started playing now I’d add Baptiste to the list. He is the most generic and soulless character I’ve seen, even more so than Pharah.

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D.Va. I really cannot play her, she’s a Mary Sue-esque gal, and she’s bland personality-wise.

~ PyroPanda

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