Changes that NEED to happen!

They’re already on a long CD to throw out new ones, get destroyed with ease, do less DPS now (got nerfed a couple patches ago), and their slow doesn’t stack anymore (also changed a few patches ago)

They’re pretty weak, currently, man.

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8 Second blade was straightup overpowered, and I say that as a Genji main since season 1.

He’d only need minor buffs at most if the majority of the roster isn’t gonna be nerfed to his level.

My suggestions are 1-2 of these:

  • Shuriken damage increased from 28 to 30
  • Shuriken speed increased from 60 m/s to 70 m/s
  • Alternate fire cone tightened to allow reliable landing of all 3 shurikens to the body

Along with of course general consistency fixed to his abilities, mainly Dash [Genji can be killed where he started the Dash even though he’s already behind his enemy], Wall Climb [random detaching from walls] and Deflect [Random abilities passing through Deflect and the ability fails to Deflect projectiles occasionally]


You know I actually liked the original Symmetra with the auto aim weapon. I don’t think it would be too OP even in todays standards… because lets face it… some people can’t aim or track and, what, are they just condemned to playing Mercy or Moira? That’s just silly.


Prepare to get eaten alive by sym mains. No one touches their turrets and gets away with it.

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They do 50DPS and stack for a total of 150DPS and have a good amount of slow to them.

They can be weakened for her weapon to be buffed.

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Actually, they do 40 now a piece. And slows do not stack. If You are getting hit by two turrets, only one is slowing you down now.

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This wont stop half the hitscans either one or two shotting her, or outright deleting her during ult.

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Even still, I feel like its too much for an object that isn’t Symmetra.

Symmetra herself should be netting consistent kills, not really her turrets as much as they do.

I feel more power should be in the hands of the player and not in the hero so to speak, as in her having a powerful weapon but her turrets being a minor nuisance and not a finishing/killing weapon.

I just dislike the concept of deployables in general because of their value being detached from player still and just being automated.

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Just wanted to show you proof

Here :point_down:

I get that. If it was like "hey, let’s nerf turrets to give more power to Syms main kit, I get that. I’m just not in favor of nerfing them with nothing else to compensate. She’s already been nerfed pretty hard, due to the stupid double barrier meta.

And, honestly, she’s not in a great place, currently.

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Idk but I think blizzards response should be to give his turret form wheels but he needs to be used like a walker and only elderly heroes can push him around at a significantly reduced speed while he’s locked facing forward.

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Hitscans would still farm the crap out of her

Yeah, but that doesn’t change her ultimate being a glorified suicide button

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I am not a Genji main by any stretch of the means, but I do feel like this buff would help him quite a bit. I feel like just faster projectiles would make him a bit more consistent at range. As it stands, I don’t see a lot of Genjis really using M1. It’s always M2, and when they do use M1, it’s more of a shot in the dark than anything else. I might even go so far as to make his shurikens 80 m/s. But 70 m/s would be a good start. See how that feels, and if he still needs more, then 80.

For me, Pharah just needs better vertical mobility. Her main thing is she is a DPS in the sky, but her air strafing is the same as Zenyatta’s air strafing. I feel if they gave her a passive that gave her improved air strafing, then she’d be better. Maybe even an ability bound to crouch where, if used in the air, she divebombs. But I’m mainly wanting better air strafing for her.

For D.Va, I’m mainly wanting a smaller critbox, and just a complete rework to how armor works. The way armor works, it does next to nothing to large burst damage, but cripples small sustain damage too much. Chip damage and shotguns are hurt too much but something like a Widow or Hanzo shot is still just as effective. So something where armor reduces burst damage just as much as it does sustain damage would be good imo.

I’m not a Reaper main, but something I’ve entertained the thought of for a while - what if we lowered his damage, but in turn, tightened his spread a bit? Right now, and for the longest time, he’s very much felt like a tankbuster, and that was the end of it, but I’m personally wanting him to fill more of a close range duelist kind of niche.

Again, not the best person to talk about this (you’d probably want ChibiFox for that), but I’ve always liked the idea of moving some more power into Recon Mode. People don’t really like playing against Sentry Mode so I feel if they just made Sentry Mode better, it’ll just end up getting nerfed in some other way. Maybe they could also give his repair the TaB treatment and give him some damage resistance while healing, idk. I have like 3 hours on Bastion so I have no idea what he needs.

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Yeah thats a big no on the Reaper nerf. He is in the best place he can be right now (Big thanks to 2-2-2). Reaper players back than where told “why role Reaper when you can just role Rodhog” Pre-2-2-2 and was seen as a troll pick at the time.


The rest I agree with.


No Reaper nerfs. Simple as that.

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You think his DMG needs to be nerfed? Not his life-steal?

May I ask why? as someone who also knows Reaper quite a bit.

I feel toning down his lifesteal, by 5 or 10% would do suffice.

mobile turret? I don’t know about that.

But the stationary tank, like a Siege Tank from SC2 is an interesting idea that I don’t mind honestly.

I don’t know if he needs increased DMG, but overall I agree 76 & Dva need something more. The boosters buff for Dva was a good start.

Wouldn’t help her, she needs more than that. IMHO, a rework.

I don’t care to comment on Brig or Symmetra :zipper_mouth_face:

Nice post. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Because 1v1 a Reaper can kill practically anything (maybe not Pharah lol)

Revert her TP nerf. And if they’re so worried about how changes to Sym’s TP could break the game, take away the ability to taxi the whole team and just let Sym use it for her own mobility and to set up turret bombs.

Or maybe they should try bringing her back to support? I think that Symmetra has too much utility for them to feel comfortable buffing her damage, and that’s because she was kinda meant to be a support. She’s kinda in the same situation as Sombra in that respect (even though Sombra was meant to be a DPS, support was considered for her at one point.)

They’re really going to have to go all in on her playstyle changes, because the way she is now, she seems kinda unfinished. She’s not equipped to be a CQC dps when she is so squishy and her only mobility tool is on a forever-long cooldown. Her ult does no damage. Her TP is a support utility. Her turrets…well, idk about the turrerts.

But yeah, idk. I’m not sure if utility-dps hybrids have a place in this game since it seems like they’ve historically been in bad spots…

I’d like to see the sheild’s health increased to 300 or 350 at least. I know they just nerfed barrier-watch but I hope they can throw my girl a bone…

Pharah already has infinite flight. If you aren’t getting her ult quickly then you are doing something wrong.
Bastion, what are you on about? That idea makes little sense. Turrets dont move, tanks do.

I hope you’re trolling here…