Change lamp please

Is the balance team not on any type of social media? Still don’t know why lamp still does what it does, so many ways to change it and make it not a insanely overpowered and broken ability.


The Overwatch forums is intended as the place to express community feedback about the intended balance of the games.

On a friendly note, Baptiste’s Immortality Field is undergoing a balance change test in the recently released Experimental Play Card.


The experimental card changes do not address the core issue about immortality field. It doesn’t matter if they’re gonna be stopped at 40hp or 20hp or even 1hp. They’re still not going to die to most ultimate abilities in the game. The whole reason why it is a broken ability is precisely because it makes people immortal, not because it keeps a few extra HP on their health bar.


I recommend you take a look at my demonstration video I created where I compared the change. The drop from 20% to 10% can be rather dramatic in some instances. Once that lamp goes down, if those opponents are still in the field of fire, they will be at a far more increased risk of elimination than before.

That being said if this change does go live, we shall see how impactful the change is to the value of this ability.


Yeah so stop whining

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Doesnt matter. It shouldnt be in the game to begin with as an ABILITY. If you want to change it to an ult, thats a different conversation. Either make the players take less damage while its up, or remove it from the game

Yeah, its not very well explained in the lore unfortunately…


Its not…

Cry about it…

I personally don’t have any issue with it.

I’m curious if WyomingMyst wants to change it. I imagine they would have some changes but ultimately I’m under the impression they are not a Blizzard staff member.

The players are already immortal for the brief moment. Damage reduction would be unnecessary.


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Immortality field wont get nerfed till it puts you at exactly 1 hp or it starts to just reduce damage. The ability on a 20 something cooldown is too dumb for how much it does. The nerf does nothing, bap is still too broken. Just like rez you cant really balance unless you kill it.

It is, it’s better than beat and trans and it’s an ability.

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It isn’t the hp that matters, it makes people IMMORTAL, changing the hp won’t change much.

so, uh, have you tried shooting the lamp?


U have a negative win rate with cree as your main hero…

and you have bigger problems with bap lamps than i do as cree

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Your negative win rate tells a different story

I’m not the one complaining about it

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