Chance for them canceled PVE after PVP is success?

Chance for them canceled PVE after PVP is success?

They won’t 'cause :

  1. Too many players are playing PVP OW just in the meantime until PVE is getting released

  2. PVE is yet another chance for them to deploy even more microtransactions and I personally think they will (meaning PVE is going to be F2P and not the DLC promised and even if its, there will be microtransactions to boosting progress for sure).

  3. I don’t see PVP being that successful over time. The roadmap to new content is too scarce and it’s basically the same game as 2016 Overwatch. The hype might last only for a year maximum.

The cosmetics really have to sell well for them to keep releasing qualitative content and interesting seasonal events.

I’m expecting a lot from the upcoming Hallowen event. It had better be good.

Lmao that’s it?

They mentioned that Junkerstein crap for like two seconds lol lol

And most of that trailer was just advertising skins haha

Jfc lol

I mean I personally like it that way. I want there to be mystery as to what they added with this new version of the halloween event. I don’t want to see the whole thing and skins are the primary motivator for doing said events anyways.

Who said anything about the whole thing? Lmao

They showed pretty much nothing lol

And OW2 trailer was basically just skins advertising. That’s sad AF lmao

I think you are missing the point in my post. I think its better to not show the whole thing. Thats why I said I prefer to be a mystery knowing everything before it happens kind of kills excitement for me. Its gonna be our first taste of PVE content for OW2. And no crap they were showing off the battlepass and stuff thats going to be in the store the stuff thats going to make them money.

PVE will most likely be something à la “Diablo Immortal” with a few missions available Day One then it’s gonna be a lot of grinding to accessing those missions at a higher difficulty so it gives them time to release new missions a few months later.

I don’t see the value for devs to release PVE just for the playerbase to binge it in less that a week. There must be some grinding and restrictions to progressing for them to make it profitable (with lots of microtransactions).

Why would PVE have a friendly monetization (with a DLC you just pay once for) instead of having the same monetization F2P Overwatch has… (that will make them earn even more money) ?

My take is that the first few BP seasons for PVP is some sort of test to see if it’s worth taking the risk of having aggressive microtransactions for PVE too.

This brings us back to being stuck in a no win situation. If we make PVP successful (by buying BPs and lots of skins), this will directly lead us to PVE being F2P as well…

But if we boycott PVP and don’t buy anything and Blizzard call this a “failure”, they might punish us for that and not release PVE at all… (I don’t think they will but that’s what people might be afraid of if they don’t support PVP financially).

We’re clearly being held hostage in a sticky situation.

Oh my lord I am so excited about the new and improved Junkenstein mode. Thanks a bunch for the insight

Lmao I never said to show the whole thing lol

They’re literally showing nothing except a title tease lmao

Lol lol lol because that’s all they have lmao hahaha

3 years and barely any content lmao

Hi WymingMyst ! Long time no see !

Is it too early to confirm that PVE will be accessible for everyone in 2023 for free (F2P) or are the devs sticking with the purchasable PVE DLC everyone has to buy to get access to (with no microtransactions) ?

Thanks in advance.

Link to the post that was confusing to many of us :

Whatever you say :slight_smile: our preferences are different I don’t like knowing everything. What was shown was enough to get me excited to find out more. I don’t need a long trailer showing me more then they did. It lets my mind wonder and the excitement/hype that comes with that.

Again, who said about knowing everything? Lmao

All you learn this trailer is the new title lol lol

And Again, like i’ve said i’m okay with that. I don’t need more then that. I understand some wanted to see more maybe not the whole thing.

Lol lmao there’s a difference between being shown everything and actually showing a few details.

Because they showed basically nothing lmao

They showed the skins and the new name. Thats a few details right there.
I understand though that no matter how many times I tell you thats fine with me you will still be upset that they didn’t show enough for your personal taste. And you are totally valid in wanting to of seen/know more.

Are you saying the promised PvE is going to be exactly like OW1 arcade PvE?


Because they showed no gameplay lmao lol lol

They showed the title and an animation of a hero lmao

Most likely because this Junkerstein Bride Revenge crap is super underwhelming and doesn’t have much new gameplay content lmao

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It is pretty telling there has been nothing since that vertical slice of pve during that blizzcon years ago. I would honestly be surprised if the pve is substantially more than just the 10 minute event maps we have been getting.

This is clearly the stumbling block, and why OW2 has been taking so long and the lack of communication, there was nothing to communicate.

Ok :slight_smile: that’s totally a possibility we don’t know.

But we do know that they haven’t created much new pve content until proven otherwise lmao lol

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True we’ll find out in October :slight_smile: