Centralized HUD, Centralized HUD, Centralized HUD

Cross your fingers and pray for it with me:
Centralized HUD, Centralized HUD, Centralized HUD

  • Half-Life 2 did it for health and ammo counters.
  • Destiny and Borderlands did it with damage numbers and enemy health bars.
  • Overwatch can do it with hero ability cooldown timers.

Heck, Overwatch does do it with Lucio and Pharah and Zaria and Tracer and Rein and Doomfist and a lot of others … but Brig and Soldier 76 and Roadhog and Reaper and Moira and Genji and a lot of others are left glancing all the way in the corner of their screen for indicators on their ammo counts and ability cooldowns.

This might not matter at the pro level but it’s an enormous help when learning new characters for the first time … or more quickly realizing something has been changed via a patch.

I’ve spent too many times mashing E and Shift in desperation as Winston!


Yeah I’d like to see some settings for not only centralized but also minimal HUDs. Anyway they can make playing Overwatch feel as close to playing with the HUD disabled as possible without losing key information would be a massive plus.

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