Cassidy is Absolutely Broken This Season!

just saw this, i agree, its completely broken and its crazy they even thought of this being a remotely good idea

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Does anyone remember that old glitch in Red Dead Redemption where you can make your dynamite home in on people? I saw this and immediately thought of that glitch.


I probably wouldnā€™t have much of an issue with it if it didnā€™t cancel abilities already in use.
Doom punches in and is stranded for a second or two? Feels more fair then Cass just denying punch outright. Reinā€™s charge being slowed buying a team a little more time to clear the way? Also fair!

But then it would only really be useful against hypermobile heroes who are more dependent on constant movement, like Mercy, Ball, Doom, Lucio, Tracer sorta, instead of being a general nuisance for all mobility. And if Cass is gonna be empowered to be a nuisance we all know heā€™s gonna make everyone suffer, not just intended targets.

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Why do they refuse to forget about this mag nade idea? just get rid of it. its not good.

i get it that you spent time making it, but it just doesnā€™t work. this is your fault for not having a PTR anymore. You would have been told straight away.


Itā€™s absolute fā€™n trash, I think Iā€™m done playing tank after last night. Hell, itā€™s pushing me even closer to completely quitting.
Sombra hack, Zen orb STILL NOT NERFED, Ana Nade, Mei buffed, and now this Cassidy Bullsh*t so thanks for bringing back Right-Click McNoSkill

Fire the developers.

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They constantly claim they have people on staff ā€œacross all skill ranges and ranksā€ but Iā€™ll be damned if a single employee on this team has gotten past Plat 4.

Watching Cass haters mald is great :joy:

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Translocate is exactly the kind of thing that it is meant to kill because it is too powerful with zero downside and zero counterplay (other than killing her very quickly). Tracer, genji, sombra, echo, lucio, pharah and perhaps a couple others are who this change is targeted at.

The fact it give a big fu to more than half the tanks shows the dev team donā€™t test or understand the consequences of their changes. This is not a surprise.


what you guys want?

this is the same team balance than ow1. also they are the same team balance that still allowed phararahmercy or full anti healing on the gameā€¦

just continue balancing the game around hardcounters and 50% winrate heros. xd

And yet Doomā€™s CC was removed due to ā€œreasonsā€ā€¦:skull:

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Welcome to season 20-36.

They should add to the lore that Ramattra turned to the dark side after playing the ā€œretroā€ game Overwatch for a month.

You would think actually playing your main would be more rewarding than arguing about their broken kit

I meanā€¦ at that point just play Cree, Mei, Ana and Zen into literally any tank and win 100% of games because the enemy tank will just leave every game.

The employees above plat consist of an Ana one trick in GM and a Diamond Cree main. :wink:


The only thing Iā€™ll say is it feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to land this on a pharah in stratosphere and watch her drop like a turd. If they fiddle a bit with this and make it on a higher cooldown or something i think itā€™ll be great. i approve.

Jokes on you, Cass isnā€™t my main. But watching people mald is still funny

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yeah ā€¦ this has gotta go asap. if doom players couldnā€™t even play the game before this, that character is dead and buried now

Oh my god.

Team 4. Get rid of this garbage immediately. Not even mid-season, walk this one back chief. This is trash lol.

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