Cassidy Bugged Ult Behaviour?

Back in 2020 during OW1, Cassidy got buffed in a way that allowed him to move his camera freely when activating High Noon. This video demonstrates the change:

However, I cannot seem to reproduce the effect at the 17 second mark, at which Cassidy

  1. locks onto 3 bots first
  2. releases High Noon with 2 of them in view
  3. moves his camera to see the final bot
  4. kills him as well

Whenever I try to mimic this behaviour in actual games or practice range, it just doesn’t seem to work. I know for a fact that it used to be in the game at some point.
I haven’t found any patch notes explicitly removing this feature, so I’m wondering… is this a bug? Or expected behaviour? (Or a skill issue on my end and I cannot reproduce it)