Career Profile - Statistics not updating/displaying properly

I apologize if this has been covered - But I cannot find anything recent that is covering this issue. It shows that this issue something that happens on console, but I play on PC.

When I go to Career Profile Under, for example current competitive season, It shows games won - But they don’t move. I have played enough games to place in Tank/Damage/Support but they both show " - - " for current and season high. The games won, are some random numbers, like since day 1 of current season it shows 375 games won for tank.

Under general statistics it shows for current comp season 1508 games played. Nothing for OW1 S33-36, but has my rankings, and character hours. Season 1/2 both share the same amount of games played.


Overall, career profiles just haven’t been working properly. An easy fix for your current competitive season is to play 1 single game of open queue.


Thank you, Why does that work and how does some one just figure it out.

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Can confirm that one game of Open Queue Competitive fixed this bug for me too. However, I’m still documenting this bug in my post: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page. Any help in spreading the word would be appreciated.

its been doing this idk why but i prob already hav 50 hours or something n just gm3 and it wont even show my play time

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