Career profile competitive stats/rank incorrect

My career profile seems to be correct for other types, but for comp only its messed up. When I select a specific ow2 season to look at it shows cumulative stats for heroes played and games won overall, not for that season. No rank is visible when all comp and ow2 seasons are selected, but it shows for ow1 seasons.

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Linking my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.

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Hey, I don’t know how to reach out or anything as this is my first time using the forums or feeling the need to. I played ow1 for the first 4 years of the game and then quit and now i’ve come back to the game for ow2. I try to play comp and I look, and it shows me in the Bronze 2 rank, but when I queue i’m in queues with masters+… i am literally not allowed to play comp with my friends so we can all mess around in bronze for golden guns and i get harassed for trying to derank by these high ranking teams i’m paired with. ideally i could just never queue again but since there is no longer decay (so i’ve been told…) i’ll be stuck in this loop forever,., anything or any help at all would be so wonderful. i’ve collected so much on this account from ow1, like pink mercy and others and would really hate to have to quit playing because everyone plays comp and my matchmaking just seems to not work. and for another note: i’ve never been a higher rank than maybe plat.,
also another edit: if i try to queue dps in qp i also get like 6+ minute queues, but when my friends in actual bronze queue for it they get almost instant matches and whenever i queue with friends it adds at least like 5+ mins to the queue timer…

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I read your first post and I think I understand what happened. At the launch of Overwatch 2, there was massive mmr decay for all players, with players who haven’t played in a long time getting even more decay. On top of that, there’s also a seasonal decay which decreases your outward facing rank but keeps your mmr the same. This desyncing of mmr and outward rank caused some massive matchmaker issues, like the one your describing, so the Devs are removing seasonal decay in Season 4. And a decay from platinum to bronze seems fairly reasonable compared to other posts I’ve seen. The long queue times, I’m not too sure about those might be a result of low local player population. I hope this helps.