Capture the Flag Tier List (Video)

S Tier: Absolutely necessary, is Lucio. The only S Tier character, he is incredible. If you’re not running Lucio on your team, you’re hurting your chance of winning by a ton.

A Tier: GOATS. Sadly. The rest of the GOATS characters are GREAT in the CTF mode. If you can get a stack of people together, willing to clump up and play GOATS, you can enjoy some free wins.

Only reason i DON’T have it in S tier is due to the fact that it’s not great in the solo queue environment, where as Lucio is godly in both solo queue and team games.

B Tier: Pharmercy, Roadhog, and Mei. Pharmercy is great, dominates in a solo queue environment, just gets beat out by GOATS in a coordinated environment. Same goes for Roadhog.

As for Mei, she is just incredibly useful on certain maps, namely Oasis University and Ayutthaya (Maybe spelled it wrong). However, other maps, she can just be exploited from range.

C Tier: LOADED tier. SO many characters. Hitscans + flankers belong in this tier. Not the BEST characters, but still very usable. Not the best flag carriers, but can get you plenty of kills and win you fights.

D Tier: If you’re going strictly for kills and team fight wins, then these characters are useful. Not very useful when it comes to the CTF objective (however if you can get kills, you help the objective, obviously)

E Tier: Sym Torb. Turret is basically useless. Do NOT recommend picking these heroes. Obviously, you COULLDDDD make it work, but most of the population will STRUGGLE with these heroes.

F Tier : Bastion. Self Explanatory.

I’m still waiting for the leaderboard. Wonder why its not up yet…

Not sure, but it’ll come out eventually. Usually on a tuesday/thursday