Capture the Flag has been in the game for 2 years - bots still incompatible

This was going to just be an edit to my last reply, but since you’re clearly still not getting the point, I’ll just post it as its own thing.

Bots are already in the game. I’m saying that I would personally value if they were made to work with another well-established mode. Go complain about the existence of ‘Vs AI’, Uprising, Retribution, and every other custom game mode that includes the bots the devs already have in the game if you want to try making a difference. You’re obviously complaining in the wrong thread.

Also this ^. Took the words out of my mouth

Those are special events, they are not around all year around, training bots are, sure, but they are way too dumb, and really does not teahc you the game.

Not gonna argue semantics with you just because you backed yourself into a corner. Go google both, they’re very similar, and both make the same point I’m arguing against.


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At least spell-check your posts when people are calling you out for not thinking them through, good lord. Also, I don’t know when it just became law that I need to make custom games that “teahc me the game”, but that’s not always what I’m going to use them for (Sometimes I like modes that are just fun. I’m weird, I know). That’s also not why I was talking about those modes at all, but I guess you don’t play them, and they’re invalid. Or redundant. Whatever you’re rolling with here.

And, again, what Gnome said ^. Not even worth the replying to bump my own thread, don’t expect me to respond if you’re going to keep talking about this

Besides, plenty of players struggle to fetch unreachable flags too!

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