Can't see how Reaper buffs are going to help him in armor meta

Same here. You shouldn’t need to activate 1 ability to make another work.

I think it’s because you can just immediately use wraith form and quit it for an instant reload ,and the fact that it’ll be harder to chase you down if you get in a bad situation against say ,brigitte.

That ,and he’ll generally be played more because he’s better in more situations ,which makes it harder to run triple tank

Reaper is the armor shredder of the game. Faster wraith speed, ability to cancel it and reload after ult are great buffs that only help him in his job.

I so want to play him now, will not be able for months :’(

Stop complaining, I’m sure they’ll revert this in some way or form.

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The only reason its not great against tanks is its low damage, dps and aoe, if you fixed those his ult would be fine.

Besides, the last buff they tried to make it better against tanks made it punishing against tanks properly countering him, as well as those properly dodging him.

Imo, I think they’re testing the waters for reaper before they give him a huge buff. I could be wrong but that’s what it looks like to me


I appreciate that we are being heard by Blizzard. Just a bit more now.

His ult does not need to be better against tanks if his base performance is improved against tanks. This allows him to use his ult for 100% accuracy damage against squishy targets since he kills em fast during his ult.


Although I agree with you, a thought occurs when challenging the problems this would create if you were to do this. While it would make him much more consistent, it would also completely negate his upper level damage, make him much more forgiving in lower tiers, and possibly gimp him in upper tiers.

If you are going to remove the upper end of his damage, this would mean to keep him even you’d probably have to buff his already high damage higher to compensate for the upward damage lost. Combining this with his new found consistency very well MIGHT make him quite the monster in lower tiers and seemingly invincible there.

However doing this would also mean his skill ceiling would be lowered as well as his upwards damage, because you couldn’t really improve his performance with mechanical aiming skill, the performance increases would be marginal after lets say platinum. If this is the case then heroes like McCree and 76 when you could land proper headshots, would generally out perform him in higher ranks.

Although, maybe it would work since you’d be increasing the damage per pellet, so while his damage would increase overall per pellet and per shot because of his consistency, he would be slightly less effective at killing squishies, but more effective at killing tanks, so while you could always get slightly better output from other offensive hero, Reaper would always be the more consistent option if you could get within the proper ranges. Doing this however would generally mean he could only one shot Tracer regularly from now on, and two shot everyone else in his effective range of…what 5 meters? I’m okay with not being able to one shot anymore if it means I know how much damage I’m doing within my effective range, but at the same time, I could see him quickly becoming a nightmare to bronze and silver ranks at least, with gold having some trouble still but ultimately being able to put pressure on him better with Junkrat and Pharah.

Please bliz do this for all shotguns. Getting a dink from a stray pellet and doing less damage than a bodyshot is very confusing. And shotguns in general are super inconsistent. Uniform spread like DVa or doomfist would be greatly appreciated.


Agree, roadhog is suffering this armor meta too :frowning:

Yeah Geoff Goodman wants to get ahead of the tank meta by buffing the “Tank buster” and the other short range DPS.

But armor penetration would’ve helped Reaper more than wraith honestly.

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Am I only the only one that thinks these are massive buffs? You may not have noticed but reaper go’s on a tear up close and now he moves twice as fast in wraith and can unpredictably pop out and drop you instead of giving you a good idea of when he’s gonna attack. I think it will bring him in line real fast especially considering he isn’t exactly hard to use.

Ya it is good buff but not the buff reaper actually needed

It is like having a broken car and they fixed seats in the car to luxary leather. Its a nice and all, but the engine is still broken.

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I think it would’ve been a superficial buff without the wraith mode honestly.

The speed buff is much faster than I was anticipating when I read the change, but when you use it you can easily use it to close the gap or disengage, and the instant cancel allows him to bait hooks and micro missiles, which is great.

As much as I like the idea of armor piercing, I think there might be a more creative solution to the problem, we’ll have to see how this buff shakes out first and then move from there.

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They ought to buff the Reaping passive to heal him for more. I feel like the amount it currently heals is negligible.

I agree with you that “the reaping” is rather ineffective at the moment, but I also believe fixing his shot consistency will also increase the effectiveness of his self healing.

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There’s a very easy way to make Reaper more effective against armor:
Instead of shooting 20 pellets at 7 damage per pellets, make it 10 pellets at 14 damage.
Reaper will do more damage against armor, problem solved.

And his teleport is really useless for christ sake can’t they just get rid of it and give him something else?

The thing about this is it also make him more inaccurate, this means his shots are even more rng than they are currently.

If you reduce the pellets and up the damage, that also means you would have to tighten his spread considerably.

This would be so sick. I doubt they’d do it because a lot of people would find it frustrating, but I love it. In the cinematic shorts and other fluff, Reaper is a terrifying and unpredictable assassin, but in-game he’s one of the most predictable heroes. Adding a cancel to his wraith form will help ease his predictability, but it doesn’t cover for the telegraphed and slow teleport or the sheer goofiness of his wraith animation. (I mean, just look at him flailing his arms. He looks like he’s sarcastically pretending to be a spooky ghost, unlike the sick liquid shadow thing he has going on in the cinematics.) I think letting the enemy team know Reaper is coming, but not letting them know exactly where he’s gone, would be perfectly in line with his character.